Interrelationship of orthodontic treatment with periodontal disease.
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Periodontium, orthodontic treatment, periodontal disease

How to Cite

a Silva Pereira Luna , A. ., & da Costa Cardoso, R. L. . (2022). Interrelationship of orthodontic treatment with periodontal disease. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 4(5), 29–41.


The principle of orthodontic treatment according to the literature is based on mechanisms of induction of forces exerted on the teeth, generating a biological reaction in the tissues and around them, this cellular activity occurs at the alveolar bone level, with bone resorption and apposition. Orthodontic treatment in patients with periodontal disease; Inflammatory condition of the protection and insertion structures of the teeth, can bring gains to the periodontium, increasing the insertion of the periodontal ligament. The present work aims to relate the use of the Orthodontic device in patients who do not have a healthy periodontium, highlighting the benefits that a well-conducted treatment, with patient collaboration, can bring to the control of periodontal disease.
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