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Heart Failure, Epidemiology, Hospitalization.

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Santos , C. A. dos, Costa , M. D., Macêdo , S. S. de, Rodrigues , N. O., Silva , I. M. R., Nery , M. D., Vanini , A. R., Lopes , D. M., Oliveira , M. R., Oliveira , F. D. B. de, Oliveira , R. P. de, & Cucolicchio , I. G. (2024). EPIDEMIOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF HOSPITAL ADMISSIONS FOR HEART FAILURE. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(5), 1764–1775. https://doi.org/10.36557/2674-8169.2024v6n5p1764-1775


The main objective of this study is to outline an epidemiological analysis of hospital admissions for heart failure (HF). This is an epidemiological review, of a descriptive and quantitative nature, with data collected through the Department of Information and IT of the Unified Health System (DATASUS), after which Excel and graphs were used to tabulate the data. When filtering the data, there was a record of 941,368 hospital admissions due to Heart Failure with a higher prevalence between the years 2022 and 2023, highlighting the southeast region leading the ranking. In this logic, the importance of implementing public policies aimed at awareness, prevention and health promotion is considered. Finally, strategies in health units with a multidisciplinary approach aim to promote quality of life for patients diagnosed with heart failure, thus way reducing prolonged hospitalizations due to HF in Brazil

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Clifferson Araujo dos Santos , Maiane Damasceno Costa , Sara Sampaio de Macêdo , Natália Oliveira Rodrigues , Islandia Maria Rodrigues Silva , Michelle Del Nery , Alice Rodrigues Vanini , Danielle Montagnani Lopes , Melissa Resende Oliveira , Flávia Demartine Borges de Oliveira , Rayssa Paiva de Oliveira , Isabela Garibaldi Cucolicchio