INTRODUCTION: Depression affects the physical and mental state, compromising the quality of life and being influenced by biological, dietary and social factors. Globally, more than 300 million people suffer from depression, and around 800,000 die by suicide annually, making it the second leading cause of death among young people aged 15 to 29. Nutritional deficiencies, such as B vitamins, vitamin D, magnesium and omega-3, are associated with depression and anxiety. Dietary interventions can be an economical and effective alternative to prevent and treat these disorders. METHODOLOGY: This study is a retrospective and explanatory bibliographic review, based on publications from the last fifteen years. Articles in Portuguese and English that dealt with the relationship between diet and depression and anxiety disorders were included, excluding theses, abstracts and monographs. The research was conducted on the VHL portal, SCIELO, MEDLINE and Google Scholar, using the descriptors "Mental health", "Food", "Depressive disorder" and "Anxiety disorder". After the search, the selected articles were read thoroughly for data collection. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Depression and anxiety are serious mental disorders that affect daily function and can be treated conventionally with psychotherapy and medication. However, research shows that nutrition plays a crucial role in mental health, with deficiencies in nutrients such as omega-3, B vitamins, and vitamin D associated with these disorders. Diets rich in these nutrients can improve depressive and anxiety symptoms. The gut microbiota also influences mental health, with studies showing that probiotics can reduce anxiety and depression. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS: Research shows that nutrition significantly impacts mental health, helping to prevent and treat depression and anxiety. Probiotics and supplements can be effective, but more clinical studies are needed to better understand these effects and integrate nutrition into clinical practices.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Copyright (c) 2024 Vanessa Ferreira Belo da Silva, Carolline Alexsandra da Silva Marinho, Emerson José da Silva, Sandriele Maria da Silva, Myrella Renata Firmino, Débora Vitória Lima dos Santos, Maria Renata da Silva Santos, Rita Nathaline Pessoa da Silva, Victor Martins Fontoura, Ana Beatriz de Souza Silva, Allana Evelyn Arruda das Chagas, Clara Helena Santos da Silva, Maria Thaíssa Tenorio da Silva