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LGBT, Social Acceptance

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Barbosa, T. M. S., Melo, A. L. A., Lopes, A. C., Dias, A. P., Sá, A. S. de, Guimaraes, D. M. C. de S., Bohnenberger, G., Oliveira, L. C. de, Lopes, R. de S., Nogueira, V. R., & Santos , Y. F. dos. (2024). IMPACT OF SOCIAL ACCEPTANCE ON THE MENTAL HEALTH AND WELL-BEING OF THE LGBT POPULATION . Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(5), 1356–1366.


Analyzing the impact of social acceptance on the mental health and well-being of the LGBT population is fundamental to understanding how different social contexts influence these individuals. In a globalized scenario, where the exchange of information and best practices between nations is constant, it becomes crucial to evaluate how acceptance or rejection in different cultures affects the mental health of these communities. This study aims to investigate in depth the relationship between social acceptance and the mental health of the LGBT population. To this end, a narrative review of the literature was carried out, consulting databases such as PubMed, SciELO, Scopus and Google Scholar. The inclusion criteria for selecting articles specifically involved those that are free to access, published in the last 5 years, and that deal directly with the topic of social acceptance, mental health and well-being of the LGBT population. Furthermore, we only considered articles available in Portuguese, English and Spanish. On the other hand, articles that are not available free of charge, publications outside the defined time frame, works that do not directly address the topic of social acceptance, mental health and well-being of the LGBT population, and documents that are in other sources were excluded. languages. The research revealed that social acceptance is a determining factor in the prevention of mental health problems, such as depression and anxiety, among the LGBT population. The results highlighted that, in environments where there is greater acceptance, LGBT individuals tend to present better mental health indicators and a higher quality of life. This analysis also made it possible to identify effective practices and areas that still require attention to foster greater social acceptance. Furthermore, he highlighted the need for inclusive public policies and initiatives that promote respect and appreciation for diversity. The study emphasizes the importance of international collaboration to exchange best practices and promote robust mental health among the LGBT population globally. Adopting an evidence-based approach that is sensitive to the cultural specificities of each country is vital to advance the fight against discrimination and improve the well-being of this population.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Thamyres Maria Silva Barbosa, Adrielly Lorrane Azevedo Melo, Aline Costa Lopes, Andrey Pinho Dias, Adriana Siqueira de Sá, Daiane Maria Correia de Souza Guimaraes, Gustavo Bohnenberger, Lisandra Campos de Oliveira, Rafaela de Souza Lopes, Victória Ribeiro Nogueira, Yanna Ferreira dos Santos