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Gonadal dysfunction. Fertility. Diabetes mellitus. Women.

How to Cite

Molina , B. C., Carvalho , A. D. de, Souza , A. M., Cargnin , A. L. Z., Barros, C. M. C. A. de, Acacio , G. G., Silva, G. C. da, Matosinhos , I. P., Bergamaschi , J. L., Barros, J. E. B., Godoy , L. J. de, Biasiolo , L. A., Moraes , R. M., Paula, V. H. de, & Moraes , P. M. M. (2024). THE INFLUENCE OF DIABETES MELLITUS ON FEMALE SEXUAL HEALTH. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(5), 1073–1080.


Diabetes mellitus (DM) and its metabolic consequences generate well-established and studied complications. However, the reproductive function of women with DM is also affected and little explored, with consequent pubertal delay, anovulatory cycles, amenorrhea, reduced fertility, greater gestational risks and premature ovarian aging. Insulin resistance plays a fundamental role in gonadal dysfunction, especially with the increased incidence of diabetes mellitus type 2 (DM2) due to eating habits, sedentary lifestyle and obesity. Insulin therapy, medications that improve insulin sensitivity, and better glycemic control have alleviated these reproductive complications, but they still persist and need to be debated.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Beatriz Colombo Molina , Afonso Denofre de Carvalho , Alex Moreira Souza , Ana Luisa Zamo Cargnin , Caio Marcos Castaldeli Alves de Barros, Gabriel Goulart Acacio , Gisele Chaves da Silva, Isadora Pavanelli Matosinhos , João Lucas Bergamaschi , José Erick Barbosa Barros, Leticia Jacomassi de Godoy , Luiz Antonio Biasiolo , Roberto Marton Moraes , Vitoria Horst de Paula, Paulo Martins Marton Moraes