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Health Prevention, Breast Cancer, Women's Health.

How to Cite

Nascimento, M. E. B. do, Melo, A. B. O. de, Cunha, L. A. L. da, Araújo , A. C. M., Nascimento, B. S. O., Carvalho , M. F. B., Santos, I. N. S. dos, Nascimento , J. de A. do, Melo, R. S., Melo , A. L. A., Maia, J. M. L., & Oliveira , B. S. M. de. (2024). PRACTICES OF CARE FOR WOMEN IN GYNECOLOGICAL EXAMINATIONS. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(5), 908–917.


Cervical cancer is the fourth most common cancer in women in the world, although there is a national screening program for it in the public health system, adhering to screening has never been ideal. This disease represents a major public health problem, as the current high mortality rate in Brazil is due to late diagnosis of the disease. It emphasizes through national literature the most important factors that lead women aged 25 to 64 not to undergo preventive screening for cervical cancer as recommended by the Department of Health. The research work was a descriptive bibliographic study of a qualitative and basic nature , analyzing 10 articles. The articles were critically analyzed and identified as factors that lead women not to participate in cervical cancer screening, resulting in two categories of discussion: factors related to non-adherence to the exam, access and individual characteristics of women that reduce commitment to screening. the exam. We discovered that the most important factors that lead women to fail the exam are related to feelings of fear and shame, discomfort, beliefs, culture, lack of time due to work schedules, socioeconomic conditions, low education and lack of services.
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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Maria Eduarda Bezerra do Nascimento, Ana Beatriz Oliveira de Melo, Livia Aparecida Lourenço da Cunha, Ana Carolina Maia Araújo , Brida Saphira Oliveira Nascimento, Maria Fernanda Barros Carvalho , Isabella Noemi Silva dos Santos, Jaine de Andrade do Nascimento , Raiane Silva Melo, Adrielly Lorrane Azevedo Melo , Juliana Martins Lessa Maia, Bruna Stéfanny Mota de Oliveira