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Inter-Religious Dialogue, Religious Intolerance, Religious Freedom.

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Nascimento, M. E. B. do, Melo , A. B. O. de, Aguiar , W. A. C. de, Ferreira , I. R., Viana , J. S. S., Martins , F. P. G., Braga , M. F. G., Silva, E. M., Oliveira , F. A. C. de, Américo , D. dos S., Ferreira , I. R., & Cardoso , J. L. S. (2024). INTERRELIGIOUS DIALOGUE AND SEXUAL DIVERSITY: BUILDING BRIDGES OR WALLS?. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(5), 849–858.


In this article we discuss how prejudice can hinder interreligious dialogue. American psychologist Gordon Allport points the way. According to him, discrimination arises from the desire to protect people's customs.

They create a protective wall and see others as threats. The availability of simple generalities and categories encourages the creation of ways in which negative thoughts and attitudes seem natural and, in fact, are useless because they belong to the subjective world. With this, we also use Bachelard's theory on the importance of emotional detachment to better understand the topic of study. Recognizing that prejudice is also influenced by historical, cultural and religious differences, we tested Allport's theory by combining it with a model used in religious pluralism. In fact, there are ways to promote understanding and acceptance of differences by shedding light on the challenges and challenges facing interfaith relations and even relationships.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Maria Eduarda Bezerra do Nascimento, Ana Beatriz Oliveira de Melo , Wyderlannya Aguiar Costa de Aguiar , Isac Rodrigues Ferreira , Juliana Silvia Siqueira Viana , Flávia Pereira Gomes Martins , Matheus Fernandes Gomes Braga , Ende Machado Silva, Fernanda Aguiar Costa de Oliveira