The use of Unitite narrow implants is a subject little discussed in the literature. In recent years, due to technological improvements, greater interest has been given to these implant systems. Unitite implants, SIN (National Implant System) has been launched on the market today, with new design concepts and surface treatment, which aim to accelerate healing and osseointegration. The smaller diameter may imply a lower stability of the implant or even a lower resistance to lateral forces, and such phenomena could negatively affect osseointegration. The objective of this work is to present and discuss aspects related to this subject, using an example as an example Clinical case of a narrow implant (Slim, Unitite – SIN), with 2.9 mm in diameter and conical connection, was installed in an esthetic area with little vestibular-palatal space in the region of the element 12. After a period of 6 months of follow-up the appearance of the area presented good peri-implant esthetics and clinical aspects compatible with health and normality. Thus, it is concluded that the macro-geometry favors the primary stability of this type of implant, and less time for its placement, it is also important to emphasize that good planning, in addition to the quantity and quality of bone, are adequate. In addition, the literature usually reports few failures for narrow implants, as although there are few studies on implants in aesthetic areas, with implants with a diameter smaller than 3 mm, through this case report, it can be observed that the The clinical performance of the implant was satisfactory, regardless of the patient's gender, age, location and prosthetic loading protocol.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Alef Dias Santiago , Éber Coelho Paraguassu