Factors that make it difficult to knowledge and adherence to long-acting contraceptive methods
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Palavras-chave: Planejamento familiar, Saúde da mulher, Contraceptivos

How to Cite

de Almeida Fernandes, A. J., & Morais , A. M. B. de. (2024). Factors that make it difficult to knowledge and adherence to long-acting contraceptive methods . Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(5), 1426–1441. https://doi.org/10.36557/2674-8169.2024v6n5p1426-1441


This study investigated the factors that influence knowledge and adherence to long-acting contraceptive methods (LARCs) among women. An Integrative Literature Review type search was conducted in the electronic data search engines Virtual Health Library, Institutional Repository of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, Cochrane Library and Periodical Portal of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel, using the Health Sciences Descriptors “Contraceptive device”, “Woman” and “Knowledge”, along with their equivalents in Portuguese. As inclusion criteria, publications between 2005 and 2024 were considered, in addition to complete scientific articles available in English or Portuguese, resulting in 17 articles selected for analysis. Three main categories of influence were identified: religious and cultural prejudices, unsatisfactory sexual education and myths about the effects on the body. The results highlight that these factors negatively impact women's choice of long-acting contraceptive methods, such as the IUD and subdermal implant. Furthermore, the lack of access to accurate information about sexual health and the effects of contraceptive methods contributes to distrust and fear regarding their use, leading to low adherence. It is concluded that comprehensive and enlightening education is essential to empower women to make informed decisions about their reproductive health and overcome the barriers imposed by misinformation and prejudice.

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