Osseointegration is the anchorage process of bone tissue to an implant, in which functional load support occurs during the exercise of its function. The positive results of implants over the years are mainly related to their properties and the possible of the biomaterials biocompatibility used, which are widely explored in dentistry. In view of the above, the present study aims to approach the interaction between cells and osseointegrated implants, highlighting the possible host responses and the factors that influence the osseointegration establishment. The methodology used was a narrative bibliographic review applied to the Scielo, MEDLINE (PubMed), and Google Scholar platforms, without language restriction, in the last 20 years. The articles that answered the question of this study were selected, and repeated articles were excluded. On the tissue level, a cascade of immunological and biological events is triggered, which will originate in the formation of blood clots and subsequent formation of new vessels (angiogenesis), and through them osteogenic cells will occur recruitment and migration to the implant surface, on which will be secreted extracellular matrix and bone formation and adhesion processes, characterizing the osseointegration process itself. In contrast, a foreign body response, called fibrointegration, can also occur. This response is characterized by the initial formation of a provisional matrix on the surface of the biomaterial, followed by a stage of acute and then chronic inflammation, formation of foreign body giant cells, and resulting in the development of a fibrotic collagenous capsule. Thus, it can be seen that understanding the difference between osseointegration and fibrointegration processes is relevant for the clinical practice of dental surgeons, since such knowledge allows the identification of the presence or absence of osseointegration, contributing to an increase in the success rate of dental implants used in dentistry.
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Biomaterials, Implants, Dentistry, Osseointegration, Fibrointegration, Angiogenesis, Foreign body response.

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Copyright (c) 2022 João Victor França Moura, Marvin Nascimento, Bruno Martins de Souza, Aline Tany Posch