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Osseointegration, implant, maxila

How to Cite

Santos de Oliveira, M., & Coelho Paraguassu, Éber . (2022). INTERCURRENCIES WITH IMPLANTATION IN THE MAXILLARY SINUS: CASE REPORT. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 4(2), 74–86.


The use of implants is a theme that is still in the process of development in the literary discussion. In the present times, with the advance of technological means, there was more demand and a greater interest was perceived in understanding implant systems. A common achievement and practice to place implants in the posterior region of the maxilla, however, the specific area worked needs to be careful and special attention, because with the existing particularities the appearance of an accident is frequent due to being a fragile area. Among the possibilities of accidents that tend to arise, one of them is the displacement of the implant to the inside of the maxillary sinus, in which permanence will have consequences, such as acute or chronic sinusitis, so the treatment that is indicated is the surgical removal of it. Case report: Male patient, L.C.M, 40 years old, attended our goe implantodontics specialization clinic to remove a dental implant inside the left maxillary sinus. The same reported that in the reopening after 05 months, for placement of the healers, it was observed that the implant had no integrated bone and accidentally the implant was displaced to the inside of the maxillary sinus. The objective of this work is to analyze a implantation process through an intercorrence that occurred in the posterior region of the maxilla at the time of implant installation, displaced to the inside of the maxillary sinus and its surgical solution had been presented. Finally, it is understood that the maxillary region is a fragile region and because it has low intensity.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2022 Miria Santos de Oliveira, Éber Coelho Paraguassu