Challenges and Advances in Combating Human Papillomavirus: Prevention and Treatment Strategies
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Cervical Cancer

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Novais da Conceição, H., Pezzetti Sanchez Diogo, M., de França Marques, A., Moreira E Silva Coelho, A. F., Oliveira Neves , M., Gonzaga Feitoza, B., Magalhães da Rocha , G., Oliveira Darsaut, B., Marques Carneiro Jaime, S., Kadidja Nunes Confessor, P., Anderson Cortez Dantas, T., Drielle Oliveira , R., Machry Vacari, J. P., Heringer Chamon Junqueira Morais, B., Hirt, L., Aparecida Carvalho Santos de Castro, V., Luz Capistrano Brito, Y., & Eugênio da Silva, L. (2024). Challenges and Advances in Combating Human Papillomavirus: Prevention and Treatment Strategies . Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(5), 83–92.


Introduction: The association between HPV and cervical cancer began in 1949 with the Pap smear. HPV is prevalent, causing precancerous lesions in the cervix. About 600 million people globally are infected, affecting 75-80% of women. Cervical cancer ranks third in Brazil, with 15.38 cases per 100,000 women in 2021, resulting in 4.51 deaths per 100,000 women, mainly between ages 25-64. Objectives: This study aims to elucidate prevention and treatment strategies for HPV-induced cervical carcinoma. Methodology: In this integrative literature review, studies were sought in PubMed and MedLine databases using the descriptors "Human papillomavirus" AND "Cervix Uteri" AND "Uterine Cervical Neoplasms," resulting in 1,584 articles published from 2010 to 2024. After analysis, 20 articles were selected. Results and Discussion: HPV infection can progress from low-grade to high-grade lesions and eventually to cervical cancer. Viral genotype, viral load, and host immunity influence its evolution, especially in HIV patients. Other risk factors include risky sexual behavior, smoking, and absence of cytological screening. Vaccination and condom use are essential preventive measures. Treatment aims to remove visible warts and precursor lesions, including cryotherapy, topical therapy, and surgery. Since 2014, SUS offers free treatment to reduce cervical cancer incidence and associated costs. Conclusion: HPV's complexity demands comprehensive approaches: vaccination, screening, treatment access, and education are crucial. Continuous research is essential to address emerging challenges and reduce its global health threat.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Humberto Novais da Conceição, Marina Pezzetti Sanchez Diogo, Arthur de França Marques, Ana Flávia Moreira E Silva Coelho, Marianne Oliveira Neves , Bruno Gonzaga Feitoza, Guilherme Magalhães da Rocha , Bárbara Oliveira Darsaut, Sarah Marques Carneiro Jaime, Patrícia Kadidja Nunes Confessor, Tayne Anderson Cortez Dantas, Renata Drielle Oliveira , José Pedro Machry Vacari, Beatriz Heringer Chamon Junqueira Morais, Luciano Hirt, Vanessa Aparecida Carvalho Santos de Castro, Yolanda Luz Capistrano Brito, Lucas Eugênio da Silva