Edição referente ao mês de Novembro de 2019
DOI: 10.36557/2674-8169.2019v1n6p168 (Português (Brasil))


High blood pressure
dental care

How to Cite

Cesar Calistro , L. ., Fernandes Tinoco, E. J., Barauna Alcolumbre, S., Coelho Paraguassu, E. ., & Voss, D. (2019). DENTAL CARE IN HYPERTENSE PATIENTS: SYSTEMATIC REVIEW . Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 1(6), 152–168. Retrieved from


The dental surgeon often performs treatment in hypertensive patients and should therefore be aware of the diagnosis of the disease, its signs and symptoms and treatment. Thus, the aim of this study was to perform a literature review on dental treatment in patients with hypertension. The bibliographic survey consists of articles available in databases such as Scielo, Pubmed and Google Scholar, published from 1995 to 2016. Most patients who attend dental offices have high blood pressure, although some are unaware of their condition, making the measurement of blood pressure of all patients by the professionals is essential. In the treatment of these patients it is important to know the previous medical history, the antihypertensive drugs used and the expectations (fear, anxiety, tension, stress) regarding the proposed treatment. It was concluded that dental treatment of hypertensive patients represents a challenge for dental surgeons, who should be scientifically based in order to establish the best conduct for the management of this type of patient. Perform a very detailed anamnesis and blood pressure measurement, guide the patient about his systemic condition, Clarifying the therapies employed and recognizing the changes arising from them are fundamental for establishing the best treatment plan and for minimizing or preventing complications that may occur during dental care.

DOI: 10.36557/2674-8169.2019v1n6p168 (Português (Brasil))


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