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Novais da Conceição, H., Pezzetti Sanchez Diogo, M., Maximino de Sousa, D., Beatriz Nunes Paiva do Amaral, A., Santana e Silva Maciel, L., Vitor Brito Oliveira Xavier De Paula, P., Sgarbossa, L., Cassiano, A., Luz Capistrano Brito, Y., Eler de Lima, B., Azevedo Guerra, Y., Aparecida Carvalho Santos de Castro, V., Teixeira Dutra , F., Pego de Andrade , C., & Gonzaga Feitoza, B. (2024). UNRAVELING DRUG-INDUCED HEMOLYTIC ANEMIA: DIAGNOSIS AND CLINICAL MANAGEMENT. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(4), 2559–2567. https://doi.org/10.36557/2674-8169.2024v6n4p2559-2567


Introduction: Anemia is characterized by a reduction in erythrocyte mass, measured by hemoglobin (Hb) concentration. Its etiologies are multifactorial, including nutritional deficiencies, blood loss and chronic diseases. Among the rare and serious causes are drug-induced anemias, which occur due to drug interactions that trigger the destruction of red blood cells. Methods: A bibliographic review was carried out in the main databases, resulting in the selection of 20 articles dealing with drug-induced hemolytic anemia. The inclusion criteria were articles published between 2016 and 2024, available in full and in English, Spanish or Portuguese. Results and Discussion: Antibiotics, especially penicillin and cephalosporins, are the main causes of drug-induced hemolytic anemia. Mechanisms involving drug interactions lead to the immunological destruction of red blood cells. Symptoms are non-specific and varied, including weakness, tachycardia and jaundice. Diagnosis requires clinical suspicion and laboratory tests, such as the direct antiglobulin test. Conclusion: The management of drug-induced hemolytic anemia involves discontinuing the causative drug, and glucocorticoids may be necessary in severe cases. Second-line therapies, such as splenectomy or immunosuppressants, are considered in situations of resistance to initial treatment. Interdisciplinary collaboration is essential for effective and individualized management.

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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Humberto Novais da Conceição, Marina Pezzetti Sanchez Diogo, Daniel Maximino de Sousa, Ana Beatriz Nunes Paiva do Amaral, Lucas Santana e Silva Maciel, Paulo Vitor Brito Oliveira Xavier De Paula, Letícia Sgarbossa, Alice Cassiano, Yolanda Luz Capistrano Brito, Beatriz Eler de Lima, Yago Azevedo Guerra, Vanessa Aparecida Carvalho Santos de Castro, Filipe Teixeira Dutra , Clara Pego de Andrade , Bruno Gonzaga Feitoza