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Breast cancer
Risk factor
Young women

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Novais da Conceição, H., Pezzetti Sanchez Diogo, M., Sampaio Ericeira, D., Salles de Oliveira Moura, L., Praxedes Silva de Araújo , S., Coimbra Santos, S., Henrique de Oliveira Castro, P., Pryscilla Sousa Oliveira, L., Maximino de Sousa, D., Depieri Abrão de Campos, T., Queiroz Piva, J., Luca de Oliveira, Y., Portela Mendes, B., Magalhães da Rocha, G., de Oliveira Santos, R., Lucas Lima Caires , C., Gonzaga Feitoza, B., & Augusto Gonçalves, V. (2024). UNRAVELING THE CHALLENGES OF BREAST CANCER IN YOUNG WOMEN: A COMPREHENSIVE ANALYSIS OF RISK FACTORS, DIAGNOSIS, AND TREATMENT. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(4), 2019–2030. https://doi.org/10.36557/2674-8169.2024v6n4p2019-2030


Introduction: Breast cancer is the second most common cancer in women, with approximately 66,280 new cases estimated for 2022. Of these, 5-7% are diagnosed in women under the age of 40, a group that is more likely to develop malignant tumors and face unfavorable prognoses. The relatively low incidence of this disease in young women contributes to the lack of discussion on the subject, a gap that needs to be filled due to the significant psychological impacts and high mortality rate associated with this condition. The main objective of this research is to understand and identify the risk factors associated with the development of breast cancer in young women. Methods: A survey of articles published between 2017-2024 was carried out using the electronic databases: PubMed, Scielo and the website of the National Cancer Institute. The search terms used were "Breast Cancer" OR "Breast Neoplasms" AND "Risk Factors" AND "Before 40 years", "breast cancer", "risk factors" and "breast cancer in young women". Articles published in Portuguese, Spanish or English were selected. Results: Breast cancer in women under 40 has several risk factors that determine its early or late occurrence, divided into modifiable and non-modifiable. Modifiable factors include environmental and behavioral aspects, such as the use of contraceptives, dietary patterns, age of first pregnancy after 30, lifestyle, low income and living in urban areas. Non-modifiable factors include genetic predisposition, race, genetic mutations and early menarche. Despite the identification of modifiable factors, a large part of the population is unaware of these elements, compromising the adoption of preventive measures. Early diagnosis is challenging due to the general lack of information on the subject and the difficulties related to the necessary tests. Treatment often involves total mastectomy followed by breast reconstruction to reduce the risk of recurrence and minimize the psychological impact of breast loss on a woman's self-image. Raising awareness of these factors is essential to promote prevention and early diagnosis. Conclusion: Breast cancer in young women is a disease that has multifactorial components to its development. These causes need to be widely disseminated to the population, so that they can prevent and seek early treatment for this neoplasm.

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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Humberto Novais da Conceição, Marina Pezzetti Sanchez Diogo, Diana Sampaio Ericeira, Leonardo Salles de Oliveira Moura, Sávio Praxedes Silva de Araújo , Suzane Coimbra Santos, Pedro Henrique de Oliveira Castro, Lhaura Pryscilla Sousa Oliveira, Daniel Maximino de Sousa, Thays Depieri Abrão de Campos, Julia Queiroz Piva, Yan Luca de Oliveira, Bruna Portela Mendes, Guilherme Magalhães da Rocha, Raquel de Oliveira Santos, Caio Lucas Lima Caires , Bruno Gonzaga Feitoza, Vinícius Augusto Gonçalves