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Cálculos de Ácido Úrico, Cálculos de Fosfato de Cálcio, Cálculos de Oxalato de Cálcio, Cistinúria, Nefrolitíase, Pedras nos Rins, Urolitíase.

How to Cite

Brito, P. R. da S., Silva , R. M., Brito, N. C. da S., Silva, N. A. da, Pereira , L. P. da S., Morais , S. A. A. de, Nascimento , M. C. O., Gonçalves , A. S. S. A., Dantas , T. K. E. R., Brito , M. C. S. de, Araujo , P. M. O., & Souza , I. G. L. de. (2024). RENAL LITHIASIS: A COMPREHENSIVE VIEW OF COMPOSITION AND THERAPEUTIC MODALITIES . Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(4), 799–809.


Nephrolithiasis, also known as kidney stones, is a common condition that affects millions of people globally. These stones are formed by the complex interaction of genetic, environmental, and dietary factors, resulting in various chemical compositions. Dietary factors, such as fluid intake, animal proteins, sodium, and calcium, play a crucial role in the formation of these stones. The treatment of nephrolithiasis varies from simple measures, such as increased fluid intake and dietary changes, to invasive procedures, such as surgeries. Technological advancements have brought new therapeutic options, such as laser and robotics in less invasive procedures. A comprehensive understanding of these aspects is essential to enhance the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of this challenging condition. Methodology: The research was conducted through online access to scientific databases such as Google Scholar, National Library of Medicine (PubMed), Virtual Health Library (BVS), and Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCIELO) for article selection, using keywords present in the English descriptors. Results: Kidney stones are solid formations in the kidneys, with varying compositions influenced by genetic, environmental, and dietary factors. Calcium oxalate stones are the most common, followed by calcium phosphate, uric acid, struvite, and cystine stones. The formation of these stones is related to factors such as diet, calcium and oxalate metabolism, urinary pH, and genetic factors. Treatment depends on the type and size of the stones, which may include dietary changes, increased fluid intake, and invasive procedures. Final Considerations: The study addressed the different types of kidney stones, highlighting their causes, composition, and risk factors. Specific diagnosis and treatment were discussed for each type of stone, emphasizing the importance of prevention and proper management. It is essential to consider the individual characteristics of each patient when determining the most appropriate therapeutic approach. The research highlights the continuous need for studies to improve prevention and treatment strategies, aiming to enhance the quality of life of patients with kidney stones.
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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Paulo Roberto da Silva Brito, Rafaela Mendes Silva , Nayla Cristine da Silva Brito, Nataly Araújo da Silva, Luis Paulo da Silva Pereira , Samuel Antonio Andrades de Morais , Maria Clara Oliveira Nascimento , Albérico Santana Santos Amorim Gonçalves , Talitha Karoline Eufrazio Reis Dantas , Mayrla Cardielle Silva de Brito , Paola Morgana Oliveira Araujo , Isabela Guazzelli Lucena de Souza