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variation, pterion shape, dry skulls.

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Borges, M. R. I., Souza, A. V. S., Sampaio, A. G. H., Carvalho, A. M. L. de, Garcia, M. E. M., Braga, R. S., Ibiapina, I. C., Melo, keyla A. de S. C., Araruna, N. F., Jacó, P. C., Junior, E. de A., & Ferreira, Émerson de O. (2024). MORPHOLOGICAL STUDY OF THE PTERIUM IN DRY SKULLS OF ADULTS BELONGING TO THE OSTEOLOGICAL COLLECTION OF THE FACULTY OF MEDICINE OF FAP-ARARIPINA (PE). Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(3), 2571–2580.


In human skulls we find many bone variations, both in the shape, number, location and size of the bones, and one of these variations is found in the pterion area. The pterion is a figure formed by the sutures that unite the frontal, parietal, temporal bones and the greater wing of the sphenoid, located in the temporal fossa. The suturistic patterns of the pterion are classified into four types: sphenoparietal, frontotemporal, stellate and epipteric. The objective of our study is to analyze the different forms of presentation of the pterion in dry skulls of adults belonging to the Osteological Collection of the Faculty of Medicine of FAP-Araripina, located in the State of Pernambuco, Brazil. For our study, 500 dry adult skulls were used, 187 females and 313 males, with a total of 1000 pterions observed. After analysis, the real sample used was composed of 704 pterions. According to our results, the sphenoparietal type was found in 85.37% of cases, followed by the epipteric (5.68%), frontotemporal (5.54%) and stellate (3.41%) types. We therefore highlight the need for more studies to be carried out in our population, preferably by region, due to the great mixing of our population and the large territorial area of our country, thus increasingly contributing to the area of Legal Medicine and Forensic Anthropology.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Matheus Renan Ibiapina Borges, Alerrandro Victor Silva Souza, Ana Gabriela Holanda Sampaio, Ana Maria Lima de Carvalho, Maria Eugênia Mota Garcia, Rômulo Segundo Braga, Ingred Costa Ibiapina, keyla Aparecida de Sá Carneiro Melo, Natália Ferraz Araruna, Pammella Costa Jacó, Erasmo de Almeida Junior, Émerson de Oliveira Ferreira