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Accessibility; Efficiency; Telehealth; Provision of health care; Regulation.

How to Cite

Puglia , C. C., Cordeiro , A. L. B., Basso, M. S., Neta , Z. D. R., Andrade , M. P. de O. de, Almeida, A. P. A., Campos , L. A. dos S. P., Farias , E. C. M. D. H., Araújo , G. R. P. T. de, & Zanoni , R. D. (2024). TECHNOLOGY AND HEALTH: TELEMEDICINE AND ITS IMPACT ON HEALTHCARE PROVISION. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(3), 2534–2546.


Telehealth, also known as telemedicine, represents a convergence between technology and health, revolutionizing the way healthcare is provided. With the advent of digital connectivity, telehealth offers a variety of medical services remotely, including virtual consultations, remote monitoring and health education. Objective: This study aims to conduct an integrative review of the literature on telehealth, exploring its impact on the provision of healthcare, identifying trends, benefits and associated challenges. Methodology: The study is a qualitative integrative review that investigates telemedicine in the provision of health care. Using electronic databases (SciELO and BVS), articles published in Portuguese between 2018 and 2022 were selected. Of the 43 articles initially identified, only five met the established inclusion and exclusion criteria. The inclusion criteria were studies that addressed telehealth and its impact on the provision of healthcare, published in the last ten years. The analysis of the selected articles was conducted with a focus on identifying trends, benefits and challenges. Results and Discussion: The review results highlight that telehealth has a significant impact on healthcare delivery, facilitating access to medical services, especially in remote or resource-poor areas. Additionally, telehealth has been shown to improve the efficiency of healthcare systems, reducing costs and increasing patient satisfaction. However, challenges such as regulatory issues, data security, and digital accessibility still need to be addressed to maximize the benefits of telehealth. Final Considerations: Telehealth represents a powerful tool for transforming healthcare delivery, offering a viable and effective alternative for the delivery of medical services. However, it is crucial that policies and strategies are implemented to ensure that telehealth is accessible, safe, and efficient for all individuals, regardless of their location or socioeconomic status.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Carla Costa Puglia , Amanda Luiza Batista Cordeiro , Mariana Sausen Basso, Zenóbia Dantas Rêgo Neta , Monique Pereira de Oliveira de Andrade , Abraão Pedro Araújo Almeida, Luiz Arthur dos Santos Paiva Campos , Estrela Cecília Moreira De Holanda Farias , Gabriel Rocha Pinon Teixeira de Araújo , Rodrigo Daniel Zanoni