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Headache, Spinal cord, Block, Postoperative

How to Cite

Flores , K. M. N., Almeida , L. A. de, Setúbal , A. C., Klein , K. M., Rodrigues, R. R., Oliveira , L. R., Sousa , L. S., Venturim, T. B., Nascimento, J. O., Rizzo, R. R., Borges , T. R. F., Lagemann, B., & Santos, A. C. S. (2024). PRINCIPLES OF ANESTHETIC EFFECTS ON THE SPINAL CORD: LITERATURE REVIEW. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(3), 2332–2344.


The aim of this study was to analyze the link between spinal anesthesia and postoperative headaches. A thorough bibliographical research was conducted, which included studies that investigated this connection, the pathophysiological mechanisms involved, as well as preventive and therapeutic measures for these headaches. As a result, postoperative headaches related to spinal anesthesia are a potentially uncomfortable complication for patients. The connection between spinal anesthesia and the onset of these headaches is still a subject of debate in the medical field, and more research is needed to further understand this relationship. Appropriate preventive and therapeutic measures are essential to alleviate symptoms and improve the quality of life of affected patients. Collaboration between healthcare professionals and researchers is crucial to advancing knowledge in this field and providing more effective care for patients undergoing surgery.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Kevillyn Maria Nava Flores , Luiz Augusto de Almeida , Aline Corado Setúbal , Kethrin Maahs Klein , Rafael Ruschel Rodrigues, Luiza Rei Oliveira , Laís Silva Sousa , Thainá Bastos Venturim, Jader Ogura Nascimento, Renato Ruiz Rizzo, Thais Rodrigues Ferreira Borges , Bruna Lagemann, Ariele Cristina Souza Santos