A narrative review of the literature on the treatment of multiple sclerosis
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Parkinson's Disease
Emerging Therapies
Monitoring Technologies
Clinical Trials

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Pereira Levada, L., De Souza Barbosa, J. L., Neto de Souza Ferreira, E., Martins Marinho, A., Fonseca Ferraz, L., Castro Milazzo, B., Naves Dias Azevedo, J. A., Ferraz Medeiros, R., Catarina Belizio da Silva, K., Cristina Teixeira, C., Freitas Santos, A., Caroline Marinho Dantas, L., de Medeiros Jardim Pacheco, G., Railla Barbalho Alves, A., & Aguiar Alencar de Oliveira, V. (2024). A narrative review of the literature on the treatment of multiple sclerosis. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(3), 2397–2408. https://doi.org/10.36557/2674-8169.2024v6n3p2397-2408


Parkinson's disease (PD) is a complex neurodegenerative condition characterized by debilitating motor and non-motor symptoms resulting from the progressive loss of dopaminergic neurons. This text reviews a variety of emerging therapeutic strategies for PD, ranging from stem cell-based therapies to novel pharmacological approaches, such as the use of antidiabetic agents and modulation of the kynurenine enzymatic system. While these approaches offer hope for halting disease progression, they face ethical, technical, and clinical challenges that need to be addressed to ensure their clinical success. Additionally, technologies like wearables and motion analysis offer innovative ways to monitor and optimize PD treatment, though they also present standardization and correlation challenges with other disease markers. Ultimately, a multidisciplinary and careful approach, coupled with robust clinical trials, is essential to realize the full potential of these interventions and improve the quality of life for patients with PD and other neurodegenerative conditions. 

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Leonardo Pereira Levada, Júlia Letícia De Souza Barbosa, Ezo Neto de Souza Ferreira, Amanda Martins Marinho, Luísa Fonseca Ferraz, Brendha Castro Milazzo, João Antônio Naves Dias Azevedo, Rebeca Ferraz Medeiros, Késsia Catarina Belizio da Silva, Carla Cristina Teixeira, Amanda Freitas Santos, Lorena Caroline Marinho Dantas, Gabriel de Medeiros Jardim Pacheco, Anna Railla Barbalho Alves, Victor Aguiar Alencar de Oliveira