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Respiratory Syncytial Virus, Bronchiolitis, Disease

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Lopes , M. C. B. L., Silva , I. isaias paes landim R. da, Cavalcante, L. M. B., Pontes, C. R. F. de A., Cardoso, A. B. V. B., Lopata , A. L. N., Sousa , D. B. S., Bainha , B. cordeiro dos S., Landim, M. T. de O. P., Fontana, I. M. de M., Carvalho, C. M. C., Campos , N. S. de S., Araújo , S. de O. S., Fernandes, T. B., & Pimentel , M. H. G. (2024). PREVENTION OF RESPIRATORY SYNCYTIAL VIRUS INFECTION IN CHILDREN: ACTIVE AND PASSIVE IMMUNIZATION. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(3), 2036–2044.


This article aims to carry out an analysis of the current medical literature on respiratory syncytial virus, discussing its prevention. Respiratory syncytial virus usually starts like a common cold, with symptoms such as runny nose, low-grade fever and cough. The disease can progress to shortness of breath, caused by bronchiolitis, an inflammatory condition of the bronchioles, which are smaller branches of the channels that transport air to the lungs — the bronchi. There are several vaccines under development for respiratory syncytial virus, using different technologies. In May 2023, the United States approved the world's first vaccine against the disease, suitable for the elderly.
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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Maria Clara Barroso Leite Lopes , Ian isaias paes landim Ribeiro da Silva , Luciane Mari Brito Cavalcante, Cleuma Regina Freitas de Almeida Pontes, Alexandre Bruno Veras Bogea Cardoso, Ana Lais Namie Lopata , David Breno Silva Sousa , Bruna cordeiro dos Santos Bainha , Maria Teresa de Oliveira Paes Landim, Isabela Meneses de Morais Fontana, Camila Mendes Costa Carvalho, Natália Soella de Souza Campos , Shirlei de Oliveira Soares Araújo , Tenylle Botelho Fernandes, Matheus Henrique Gomes Pimentel