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saúde mental
bem-estar materno

How to Cite

Silva de Andrade, S. P., Soares de Souza, D., Castro, I. D. de, & Leite Gomes, M. de F. (2024). PERCEPÇÕES DA “I SEMANA FURTA-COR: UM OLHAR PARA A SAÚDE MENTAL MATERNA NO CONTEXTO HOSPITALAR”. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(4), 1902–1919.


This proposal results from systematic observations of the reality of pregnant and postpartum women and their demands in mental health, as well as the articulations carried out as Residents of the Multiprofessional Program in Mental Health (RESMEN) with professionals and preceptors from the theoretical-practical scenario, Hospital Universitário Lauro Wanderley (HULW). Aiming to report the importance of considering the issue of maternal mental health in society and present the consequences of interventions promoted in a hospital/maternity environment. On May 8 to 12, 2023, at the aforementioned hospital, the “I Furta-Cor Week: a look at maternal mental health in the hospital context” was held, raising awareness on the topic, waiting rooms, qualified listening sessions with integrative and complementary practices (PICS), workshop with mothers and professionals in the sector, among others. The aim was to contribute to the set of initiatives at the national level entitled: “Maio Furta-Cor”, a movement that was born during the pandemic and was established by women when they noticed psychological suffering and/or illnesses in themselves and in other mothers during this period, added to the motherhood implications. This movement spread across the country, aiming to promote care, well-being and welcoming actions, in addition to encouraging people, professionals and institutions to support and discuss maternity and mental health. However, users and professionals were unaware of the movement, provided insufficient maternal mental health care and recurrent experiences of concerns, comparisons of realities and the desire to be in their homes, intensely affecting mental health.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Simão Pedro Silva de Andrade, Daiana Soares de Souza, Israel Dias de Castro, Maria de Fátima Leite Gomes