Advances in Motor Development and Social Interaction in Children with ASD: Effects of Physical Exercise
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Autism espectrum disorder
Physical exercise
Physiotherapy, Child development, Motor Skills

How to Cite

Nascimento, J. P. A., Rocha , L. G. D., Santos , G. B. dos, Mendes , M. G., Ronacher , H. S., Reis , L. de L., Oliveira, S. A. B. de, Oliveira, P. A. V. M., Sobral , I. M., Fernandes, L. S., Bastos , B. L. M., & Corrêa, P. H. A. (2024). Advances in Motor Development and Social Interaction in Children with ASD: Effects of Physical Exercise. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(3), 1605–1616.


Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a complex neurodevelopmental condition associated with various causes. It is characterized by deficits in social interaction, emotional reciprocity, communication, motor skills, and cognitive functions. Physical activity has been studied as a complementary intervention for patients with ASD, providing significant benefits. Among these benefits are improvements in social interaction, communication, sports skills, and reduction of stereotyped behaviors. Various forms of physical activity have been investigated for their effectiveness in enhancing motor skills in individuals with ASD. In addition to traditional practices like swimming and dancing, an interesting alternative has emerged: exergames. These games, which require interaction between the participant and the video game, serve as a playful way to engage in physical activity. Through exergames, it is possible to increase adherence among patients with ASD, overcoming the low participation observed in other physical activities. In summary, research highlights the relevance of physical activity as a complementary intervention in the treatment of patients with ASD, contributing to the development of motor skills, reduction of stereotyped behaviors, and emotional regulation.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 João Pedro Alves Nascimento, Letícia Gabrielly Dias Rocha , Gilvan Bomfim dos Santos , Marlizon Gonçalves Mendes , Henrique Sandes Ronacher , Lucas de Lelis Reis , Sebastião Augusto Bezerra de Oliveira, Pedro Aurélio Vilela Matos Oliveira, Isadora Mendes Sobral , Laís Silva Fernandes, Bruna Luz Morais Bastos