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Classificação de risco
Método START
Urgência e emergência
Triagem de Manchester

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Borges, L. P., Nogueira, V. O. C., Lima, M. M., Oliveira, J. de C., Borges, J. A. B., Medeiros, H. M., Siqueira, L. B. de, Júnior, J. L. de O., Lopes, P. H. de S., Santos, S. R., Jesus, M. L. M. de, Reis, T. A. B., & Toledo, L. da S. (2024). PROTOCOLOS DE TRIAGEM E CLASSIFICAÇÃO DE RISCO EM SERVIÇOS DE URGÊNCIA E EMERGÊNCIA: UMA REVISÃO DA LITERATURA. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(3), 1680–1687.


Introduction: Screening and risk classification are fundamental processes in urgent and emergency services, aiming to identify and prioritize care for patients according to the severity of their condition. Triage, as the healthcare team's first contact with the patient, consists of an initial assessment to determine the urgency of each case. Subsequently, patients are classified into risk categories, indicating the priority level for care. Objectives: To describe the functionality of triage and risk classification in urgency and emergency environments, and its essential role in prioritizing care based on needs. Methodology: Research carried out in March 2024, based on an integrative review of scientific literature in the SciELo and PubMed databases, using the descriptors: "Manchester Triage", "Start Method", "Urgency and emergency" and "Classification and risk". Results and Discussion: Screening and risk classification are carried out by trained professionals, who evaluate patients based on a series of clinical criteria, such as vital signs, complaints and medical history. This assessment makes it possible to quickly identify cases that require immediate care and referral to appropriate sectors, contributing to the efficient management of patient flow and avoiding overcrowding in emergency units. Conclusion: The adoption of protocols, such as Manchester and the START Method, have been widely used in emergency services in Brazil. These systems classify patients into different priority levels, based on the colors red, orange, yellow, green, and blue. These systematizations allow for a quick and effective assessment of patients, ensuring adequate prioritization of care, reduced waiting times and greater safety in the management of emergencies. This contributes to the quality of care provided and the improvement of clinical results.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Lauhanda Primo Borges, Vinícius Oliveira Cunha Nogueira, Mayanne Macedo Lima, Jéssica de Castro Oliveira, Jorge Augusto Batista, Henrique Machado Medeiros, Ludmila Braga de Siqueira, Jeferson Lopes de Oliveira Júnior, Pedro Henrique de Souza Lopes, Sabrinna Rodrigues Santos, Maria Laura Moisés de Jesus, Thayná Amaral Brum Reis, Lucineia da Silva Toledo