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epidemiology of childhood asthma; treatment of asthma in children; psychological impact of childhood asthma;

How to Cite

Bif , S. M., Zanatta , L. F., Silva , E. C., Matos , E. S., Ferreira , S. Q., Marques , E. A. C., Carvalho , M. M. de, Ozorio , M. C., Oliveira , V. F. A., Ferreira , Ádria L. dos S., & Reis , G. P. dos. (2024). OVERVIEW OF ASTHMA IN CHILDHOOD: EPIDEMIOLOGY AND THERAPEUTIC STRATEGIES. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(3), 1313–1321. https://doi.org/10.36557/2674-8169.2024v6n3p1313-1321


Asthma in children is a complex respiratory condition that requires a comprehensive understanding to provide effective management and improve children's quality of life. This condition, characterized by hyperreactive airways and chronic inflammation, is one of the most common chronic childhood illnesses, affecting millions of children around the world. The peculiarity of asthma in children lies not only in its clinical manifestations, such as wheezing, coughing and difficulty breathing, but also in the variety of factors that trigger and influence its expression. From genetic factors to environmental influences such as exposure to allergens and air pollutants, childhood asthma is an intricate intertwining of genetic predisposition and environmental interactions. This study proposes a literature review with the aim of analyzing and synthesizing information on the epidemiology and treatment of childhood asthma. With a special emphasis on Brazilian peculiarities and challenges, the research is based on reliable sources, such as PubMed, Scielo and data from the Brazilian Ministry of Health. Official reports, guidelines and information related to the epidemiology and treatment of childhood asthma were obtained from the official website of the Brazilian Ministry of Health, including bulletins, treatment guides and strategies for controlling this condition in the country. Asthma continues to be a public health concern, with marked variations in prevalence between countries and ethnic groups. Prevention and intervention strategies are essential to mitigate the social and economic impacts associated with asthma. As for treatment, we have seen notable developments in recent decades. Personalized therapeutic approaches have gained prominence, recognizing the heterogeneity of the disease. Inhaled corticosteroids remain a cornerstone of long-term control, while bronchodilators and leukotriene antagonists provide symptomatic relief. The significant prevalence of childhood asthma highlights the importance of effective measures to improve management and reduce the impact of the disease. It is imperative to implement preventive strategies that address environmental factors, such as reducing exposure to allergens and pollutants, contributing to the prevention of the development of asthma in predisposed children. Furthermore, promoting smoke-free environments and raising awareness about associated risks are crucial to protecting children's respiratory health.

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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Suzana Mioranza Bif , Laura Freitas Zanatta , Evelin Casarin Silva , Eduarda Scandiuzzi Matos , Samilly Quirino Ferreira , Emanuel Arislândio Costa Marques , Murilo Moura de Carvalho , Marcela Campioto Ozorio , Vivian Franciny Amaral Oliveira , Ádria Lorrana dos Santos Ferreira , Gabriele Pereira dos Reis