Rastreamento e diagnóstico do Câncer de colo do útero pelo exame citológico de Papanicolau: fatores associados ao conhecimento e preconceito
PDF (Português (Brasil))


Câncer; Câncer de Colo do Útero; Exame Papanicolau; Saúde da mulher.

How to Cite

Andrade da Silva, F. R., Lopes Oliveira, P., Martins de Araujo, L., Dias Alencar, W. G., Lopes Oliveira, G., Oliveira da Silva, A. P., Tavares Monteiro, E. L., Anacleto de Albuquerque, E. M., dos Santos Ferreira, L., da Penha Ferino, L. P., Araújo da Silva, M., & Santos Bomfim, D. (2024). Rastreamento e diagnóstico do Câncer de colo do útero pelo exame citológico de Papanicolau: fatores associados ao conhecimento e preconceito. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(3), 1213–1224. https://doi.org/10.36557/2674-8169.2024v6n3p1213-1224


Cervical cancer is considered a serious public health problem, being a disease that is easy to track and progresses slowly. The Pap smear is a preventive exam carried out in the SUS and in private networks, being the main method for detecting lesions and obtaining an early diagnosis of the disease. The objective of the study was to verify the factors associated with knowledge and prejudice regarding the use of the Pap smear in the screening and diagnosis of cervical cancer. This work is an integrative review of the literature, with searches carried out in the following databases: Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCIELO) and Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences (LILACS). The searches were carried out between January and February 2024. The Health Descriptors were used: Cancer; Cervical Cancer; Pap smear; Women's health. The inclusion criteria were articles in full text, Portuguese and English, published between 2017 and 2022. As an exclusion criterion, duplicate articles that did not comply with the established temporal limit. 197 publications were identified, 13 were included, 07 were excluded and 06 were used. It was found that there are several factors that are associated with not performing the Pap smear, especially age and education as one of the main factors. Low education was identified as a factor that greatly influences non-achievement, due to issues of access to information and knowledge about its importance and benefits. Other factors include fear of the procedure, lack of access to health services, absence of symptoms and shame or embarrassment in carrying it out. In this way, it was possible to verify that the Pap smear is the main test for detecting lesions and carrying out the early diagnosis of cervical cancer, and that there are several factors associated with a lack of knowledge about its performance, as well as prejudice against women, which may influence access to preventive examinations.

Keywords: Cancer; Cervical Cancer; Pap smear; Women's health

PDF (Português (Brasil))


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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Francisco Ronner Andrade da Silva, Patrícia Lopes Oliveira, Leonardo Martins de Araujo, Welton Gibson Dias Alencar, Gisele Lopes Oliveira, Ana Paula Oliveira da Silva, Erik Lafitt Tavares Monteiro, Elise Maria Anacleto de Albuquerque, Luciano dos Santos Ferreira, Luiz Paulo da Penha Ferino, Mayron Araújo da Silva, Deivid Santos Bomfim