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Inguinal hernia, Open surgery, Lichtenstein, Laparoscopic approach.

How to Cite

Roller , L. de F., Carvalho, G. L. de, Dias , I. L., Murakami, F. N., Bueno, L. de C., Murakami, F. N., Silva, T. R. N., Andrade , M. E. T., Nogueira, B. A., Oliveira, D. de M., Gomes , N. M. C., Gomes , D. V., Azulay , V. G. O., Silva , D. C. da, & Kruger, K. W. (2024). OPEN AND LAPAROSCOPIC APPROACHES TO INGUINAL HERNIA REPAIR: A COMPREHENSIVE REVIEW. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(3), 922–932.


An inguinal hernia is a protrusion of an intestinal loop or, more rarely, some other abdominal viscera, due to an alteration in the fascia of the abdominal wall. The clinical manifestations can vary from an asymptomatic condition to signs of peritonitis secondary to intestinal strangulation in more serious cases. There are a number of factors involved in the choice of treatment: age, type of hernia and associated symptoms. In view of this, the aim of this study was to provide a comprehensive overview of open and laparoscopic techniques for repairing inguinal hernias. An integrative review of the current literature was carried out by searching the SciELO, PubMed and BVS databases.  The descriptors used to find the related studies were "Inguinal hernia" and "Surgical management". As a result, it was observed that the Lichtenstein technique is still the most widely adopted and consists of an inguinotomy, using polypropylene mesh sutured over the transverse fascia. While the laparoscopic approach to inguinal hernias is a minimally invasive surgery and has been the technique of choice for some surgeons due to the overwhelmingly positive results.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Luísa de Faria Roller , Gabriel Leão de Carvalho, Isabella Lima Dias , Felipe Nakanishi Murakami, Lucas de Campos Bueno, Fernanda Nakanishi Murakami, Tamires Rebeca Nunes Silva, Maria Eduarda Teodoro Andrade , Breno Aguiar Nogueira, Dávila de Moraes Oliveira, Nicollas Muriel Camargo Gomes , Daniela Veloso Gomes , Vitor Gonzalez Ouaknin Azulay , Dayane Campos da Silva , Karine Wakami Kruger