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Human HPV, Comorbidities, Neoplasms, Vaccine.

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Luciano , D. freitas, Moreira , K. lemes, Oliveira , Y. R., Silva , D. O. I. da, Joel Leonardo procopio Duarte, Schmidt, J. G., Rosa , V. H. J. da, Machado, M. C. G. R., Ferreira , A. kelry R., Manjabosco, A. W., Sousa , T. O., Suquere , J. da S., Franco , C. C., & Filho , F. M. (2024). "PREVENTION AGAINST HPV AND ITS COMORBIDITIES" LITERATURE REVIEW. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(3), 888–902. https://doi.org/10.36557/2674-8169.2024v6n3p888-902


The HPV virus is directly linked to the development of genital cancer, genital warts and skin lesions. Knowing that HPV infection is a crucial factor in cervical cancer, HPV vaccination plays a fundamental role in reducing the incidence of cervical diseases and precancerous lesions. Study objectives: To analyze HPV vaccination coverage and its relationship with precursor lesions in the cervix, as well as other indicators of the disease. Methodology: A retrospective descriptive study was carried out in the southern region of Brazil, between 2014 and 2019, focusing on the female population that was the target of the vaccination campaign, excluding 9-year-old girls. Age groups from 10 to 19 years old and the general population were evaluated. Data were collected through the DATASUS Health Information System. Results found: In 2014, there was a higher percentage of girls vaccinated with the first and second dose, with 56.5% and 35.8%, respectively. From 2016 onwards, there was a reduction in vaccination coverage, especially in relation to the first dose. Even with vaccination starting in 2014, there was a 134% increase in cases of Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia (CIN) in the region until 2019. The age group from 14 to 19 years old was the most affected, with a predominance of cases of CIN 1. The number of cases of cervical cancer increased, both carcinoma (+63.6%) and adenocarcinoma. Discussion of results: The southern region of Brazil did not reach the target of 80% vaccination coverage established by the Ministry of Health. Final considerations: The need to reevaluate existing vaccination programs is evident, aiming to control diseases associated with HPV that could be prevented through immunization.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Daniela freitas Luciano , Karollyne lemes Moreira , Yohan Resende Oliveira , Davi Oliveira Inácio da Silva , Joel Leonardo procopio Duarte, Julia Gabrieli Schmidt, Victor Hugo Júlio da Rosa , Maria Carla Guedes Rosa Machado, Any kelry Rodrigues Ferreira , Amanda Walter Manjabosco, Talita Oliveira Sousa , Jefferson da Silva Suquere , Clara Calixto Franco , Fernando Miron Filho