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Doenças Peri-implantares

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Nascimento, J. V. M. do, Novais, P. M. R., del Barrio, R. A. L., Gouvea, C. S., Bezerra, T. P., Alcântara, A. P. S. de L., Nascimento, P. H. M. do, & Lima, D. L. F. (2024). PREVALÊNCIA DAS DOENÇAS PERI-IMPLANTARES EM PACIENTES PORTADORES DE PRÓTESES TOTAIS FIXAS SOBRE IMPLANTES: UM ESTUDO TRANSVERSAL. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(3), 978–996.


Dental implants are a highly effective and widely adopted option for oral rehabilitation. However, with the increasing number of implants installed, inflammation of peri-implant tissues has become a major concern for dentists. This study aims to investigate the prevalence of peri-implant diseases in patients with fixed full-arch prostheses supported by implants. The sample comprised 29 patients from private practices in the state of Ceará, between April and July 2022. Initially, a questionnaire containing information such as age, sex, hygiene habits, reason for tooth loss, duration of prosthesis use, and frequency of maintenance was conducted. The fixed prostheses were removed, thereby observing the presence of biofilm, bleeding on probing, visible bone loss, clinical levels of attachment, gingival enlargement, as well as the type of platform to which the prosthesis was adapted and prosthetic components used. The data were tabulated in an Excel spreadsheet and analyzed using SPSS software version 24. 37.9% of patients exhibited peri-implant mucositis, and 34.5% of those examined had at least one implant with peri-implantitis. A significant portion of the patients had never undergone prosthesis maintenance, underscoring the importance of peri-implant supportive therapy.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 João Victor Menezes do Nascimento, Polyanna Maria Rocha Novais, Ricardo Andrés Landázuri del Barrio, Christiano Sampaio Gouvea, Tácio Pinheiro Bezerra, Ana Patrícia Souza de Lima Alcântara, Pedro Henrique Mesquita do Nascimento, Danilo Lopes Ferreira Lima