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Orthognathic Surgery; Minimally Invasive Approaches; Benefits and Challenges

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Santos, F. de J., Raposo , R. H. R., Nunes, G. J. de S., Fernandes, T. M., Silva, A. K. M., Celestino, J. dos S., Bortolato, L. da S., Fernandes, R. de A., Morais, J. B. de, Borges, M. O., Anselmo, S. S., Sluce, P., Moreira, L. M., & Soares, A. C. (2024). MINIMALLY INVASIVE APPROACHES IN ORTHOGNATIC SURGERY: BENEFITS AND CHALLENGES. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(3), 364–373.


The aim of the present study is to provide a comprehensive review of minimally invasive approaches in orthognathic surgery, addressing both the benefits and challenges associated with these innovative techniques. An extensive literature review was carried out to identify relevant studies on minimally invasive approaches in orthognathic surgery. Electronic databases, such as PubMed, Scopus and Web of Science, were consulted to obtain published articles. The relevant results are that minimally invasive approaches in orthognathic surgery present substantial benefits, but are not without challenges. Understanding these results and considerations is essential to inform clinical practice, always seeking to balance innovative advances with ethical responsibility for the well-being of patients.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Fabiana de Jesus Santos, Raquel Helena Rodrigues Raposo , Guilherme Jonnes de Sobral Nunes, Talitha Maryam Fernandes, Ana Karlla Martins Silva, Jamesson dos Santos Celestino, Leila da Silva Bortolato, Rafael de Aguiar Fernandes, Jeovanna Brito de Morais, Mariana Ortelan Borges, Sara Santos Anselmo, Patrícia Sluce, Luane Menezes Moreira, Ana Catarina Soares