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Medical care

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Pezzetti Sanchez Diogo, M., Henriques da Fonseca Araújo, N., Novais da Conceição, H., Gabriela Cella Decian, I., Santin Boti, G., Cataneo Cardoso Borin, C., Hugo Sardinha de Freitas, V., Araújo Nascimento, M., Maquiné Hermont, L., Depieri Abrão de Campos, T., Baldin de Miranda Andrade , G., Noleto Sales Neto, J., Henriques da Fonseca Araújo, N., & de Jesus Siquara Neto, E. (2024). OPIOIDS: OVERDOSE MANAGEMENT, AND CLINICAL CONSIDERATIONS . Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(3), 463–474. https://doi.org/10.36557/2674-8169.2024v6n3p463-474


Introduction: Opiates are substances derived from the poppy plant, whose site of action is the opioid receptors. Opioids include substances, natural or synthetic, endogenous or exogenous, which also interact with opioid receptors, such as mu, kappa, delta and sigma, present throughout the body, generating manifestations in various systems. This study aims to address the pathophysiology and management of thermal burns. Methods: In the literature review, PubMed and Google Scholar databases were consulted, using the descriptors "opioid overdose", "diagnosis" and "management", resulting in 600 studies. Of these, 18 were selected for their relevance to the topic and publication in English or Portuguese. Results: Chronic use of opioids can induce use disorder, characterized by persistent craving, increased tolerance and withdrawal syndrome. Overdose occurs due to hyperstimulation of the opioid pathway, either by intentional increase or developed tolerance. During overdose, signs include hypothermia, bradycardia and limited response or unconsciousness, making witness reports and analysis of the environment vital. Pre-hospital management includes naloxone administration, airway protection and support, while the hospital environment follows the ABCDE protocol, with higher doses of naloxone and additional diagnostic procedures. Conclusion: Due to the epidemic that has become opioid overdose, it is necessary for health professionals to be prepared to deal with such an occurrence.

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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Marina Pezzetti Sanchez Diogo, Natália Henriques da Fonseca Araújo, Humberto Novais da Conceição, Isadora Gabriela Cella Decian, Gustavo Santin Boti, Camila Cataneo Cardoso Borin, Victor Hugo Sardinha de Freitas, Milagres Araújo Nascimento, Leonardo Maquiné Hermont, Thays Depieri Abrão de Campos, Gabriella Baldin de Miranda Andrade , José Noleto Sales Neto, Natália Henriques da Fonseca Araújo, Emmanoel de Jesus Siquara Neto