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Hypertension; Basic Care; Health.

How to Cite

Alvim, D. C., Pinho, V. A., Vasconcelos, J. A., Corrêa, L. N., Romani , J. M., Bovi, N. F. dos R., Figueiredo, G. S. P. D., Espíndola , N. R. U., Aguiar, R. A., Barcellos, D. C. R., Júnior, R. G. dos S., Pinto , G. S. de M., Silva , P. E. B., Paulino , L. P., & Nunes , M. E. G. (2024). ARTERIAL HYPERTENSION: PREVALENCE, TREATMENT AND CONTROL OF THE DISEASE. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(3), 293–301.


In this article you will have the opportunity to understand that systemic arterial hypertension is a chronic non-communicable disease of multifactorial origin, and in addition, understand the diagnosis of hypertension, the associated risk factors and care management. This study is based on a bibliographical review, where bibliographical surveys were carried out based on the topic, understanding it to be a safe instrument for carrying out this research. Furthermore, in screening actions, health professionals must be sensitive to the signs and symptoms of hypertension to direct actions. People who experience headache, nausea, malaise, pain in the back of the neck, pain behind the eyes, chest pain, angina, fatigue and changes in blood pressure measurements without an apparent cause may have developed high blood pressure and should be screened and identified early for treatment. timely.
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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 David Capachi Alvim, Victoria Alves Pinho, Johnny Alencar Vasconcelos, Leandra Nogueira Corrêa, Jairo Moraes Romani , Nayara Fernandes dos Reis Bovi, Gabrielly Silveira Peçanha De Figueiredo, Norma Rafaella Uchôa Espíndola , Regina Alves Aguiar, Danielle Crespo Rangel Barcellos, Renato Gonçalves dos Santos Júnior, Gabriela Sarmento de Mendonça Pinto , Paloma Encinas Beramendi Silva , Luciano Pinto Paulino , Maria Eduarda Gonçalves Nunes