Between pillows and synapses
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sleep memory, sleep neurophysiology, sleep deprivation, sleeping, learning

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Rozeira, C. H. B., Silva, M. F. da, Neves, D. P. da S., Ferreira, J. P. G., Rocha, S. A. M., Sousa, B. O. de, Souza, D. A. P. de, Oliveira, G. G. de, Rangel, W. F., Zanon, J. B., Mendonça, S. C. de O. S. de, & Souza, G. B. de. (2024). Between pillows and synapses: The impact of sleep on memory architecture. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(3), 333–348.


Sleep is a fundamental human need, as essential to health as eating, drinking, and breathing. Contrary to the historical conception that sleep constitutes a passive condition of brain inactivity, it is understood to be a dynamic process regulated by active modulating pathways. During the sleep period, the brain exhibits various patterns of activity, including slow-wave sleep and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. These patterns are closely linked to a range of physiological mechanisms in the body, spanning from hormonal and immune regulation to information processing and memory consolidation. The scientific community has shown interest in sleep and its related aspects. Thus, this research aims to explore and understand the interaction of sleep with memory, seeking to identify the involved systems and their implications for cognitive functioning. The adopted methodology consists of an exploratory and qualitative research approach using literature reviews. Information retrieval was conducted on reliable academic and scientific platforms, using specific descriptors to guide the careful selection of studies. The research results indicate that ensuring appropriate sleep quality, both in terms of adequate duration and timing, is crucial for preserving mental and physical health, quality of life, and safety. Moreover, it plays a supportive role in memory consolidation.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Carlos Henrique Barbosa Rozeira, Marcos Fernandes da Silva, Damiana Pereira da Silva Neves, João Paulo Gonçalves Ferreira, Silas Augusto Marquito Rocha, Breno Onofre de Sousa, Denise Alves Pinto de Souza, Gicélia Goulart de Oliveira, Wanusia Fernandes Rangel, Júlia Branquinho Zanon, Sheila Cristina de Oliveira Silva de Mendonça, Gilson Borges de Souza