Cardiopulmonary Arrest Protocols in the Emergency Room: A Systematic Review
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Cardiac Arrest, Emergency Room, Protocols, Systematic Review, Guidelines.

How to Cite

Vasconcelos, J. L. M., Boldrini , A. D. S., Savariego , B. de O. B., Araújo , B. R. B. da S., Araújo , B. M. S. de, Santos , C. S., Silva , D. M. da, Junior , D. M. V., Souza , E. W. da C., Barbosa , G. B. M., Zancan , G. B., Ferreira , I. G., Moreira , I. O., Chuffe , J. V. D., Santos , K. ketlen A. S., Melo, L. O. B. de, Lima , M. V. F., Leite, S. A. P., Costa , S. I. de O., & Marques , V. K. (2024). Cardiopulmonary Arrest Protocols in the Emergency Room: A Systematic Review. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(3), 2920–2928.


Cardiopulmonary arrest (CPA) is a medical emergency that requires immediate and effective intervention in the emergency room. Well-defined protocols are essential to optimize patient outcomes. A systematic review was conducted following PRISMA guidelines. Comprehensive literature search included electronic databases and relevant references. Studies addressing CPA protocols in the emergency room were included, with assessment of methodological quality and data extraction. Analysis of included studies revealed a variety of approaches in CPA protocols, highlighting both points of agreement and disagreement among international guidelines. Integration of resuscitation strategies, such as post-CPA temperature management and acute coronary syndromes, was discussed in relation to challenges and opportunities in clinical practice. This systematic review provides a comprehensive synthesis of current evidence on CPA protocols in the emergency room, emphasizing the importance of implementing updated guidelines and identifying gaps to guide future research and improvements in clinical practice.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 José Lucas Moura Vasconcelos, André Dos Santos Boldrini , Bárbara de Oliveira Baptista Savariego , Beatriz Regina Bento da Silva Araújo , Bianca Mayara Sampaio de Araújo , Cecília Silva Santos , Daniel Marques da Silva , Dilson Machado Vieira Junior , Elinny Wanessa da Cruz Souza , Gabriel Botelho Merthan Barbosa , Gabriela Balvedi Zancan , Isaias Gonçalves Ferreira , Isadora Oliveira Moreira , João Vitor Demarchi Chuffe , Kalielley ketlen Araújo Sales Santos , Laisse Oliveira Barbosa de Melo, Manuella Vieira Faria Lima , Sara Almeida Pereira Leite, Stephane Izabor de Oliveira Costa , Vinícius Kuhnen Marques