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Dermatological Condition; Child; Therapeutic Approach.

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Rorato, H. N., Silva, F. M. da C. e, Costa , D. C., Amorim, I. M. de, Aguiar , P. de S. L., Alvarenga , T. S., Xavier , C., Farina , J. O. L., Lisi , F. C., Lima, M. H. V. de, Alcazar , M. R. D., Tavares, I. I. S., Gruska , P. M., Pinto , J. M. de A. M., Meneses, J. A., Barbosa , L. E., Teixeira , L. G., & Santos , M. D. do N. (2024). INVESTIGATION OF THE CAUSES AND TREATMENTS OF ATOPIC DERMATITIS IN CHILDREN. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(3), 52–72.


Atopic dermatitis is a chronic inflammatory skin disease, common in children, which significantly affects the quality of life of patients and their families. Its clinical management addresses a variety of challenges, including the disease's heterogeneity, associated psychosocial symptoms, and the need for effective and personalized therapies.  Objective: This study aims to conduct an integrative literature review to synthesize current knowledge about atopic dermatitis in children, exploring conventional and emerging therapeutic approaches, as well as challenges and future perspectives in clinical management of the disease. Methodology: The integrative review was conducted through systematic search of scientific articles in electronic databases, using search terms related to atopic dermatitis in children. Studies addressing clinical, therapeutic, and epidemiological aspects of the disease, published in the last 10 years, were included. Results: Analysis of the selected studies highlighted a variety of therapeutic approaches for managing atopic dermatitis in children, including topical therapies, phototherapy, systemic treatments, and new emerging therapeutic options, such as targeted biological therapies and modulation of the cutaneous microbiome. Additionally, challenges in research and clinical management of the disease were identified, including the heterogeneity of atopic dermatitis, associated comorbidities, and the psychosocial impact on quality of life. Conclusion: In conclusion, atopic dermatitis in children remains a significant clinical challenge, requiring an integrated and personalized approach for effective management of the disease. Advances in understanding underlying mechanisms, along with the development of new targeted therapies, promise to improve outcomes for pediatric patients affected by this chronic dermatological condition.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Heloísa Nascimento Rorato, Fernanda Monteiro da Costa e Silva, Denes Cutrim Costa , Isa Maria de Amorim, Patrícia de Souza Lima Aguiar , Thaís Sant'Anna Alvarenga , Caroline Xavier , João Otávio Leal Farina , Fernando Chaguri Lisi , Marcelo Henrique Vaz de Lima, Mari Rami Dominguez Alcazar , Iasmim Ianne Sousa Tavares, Paola Marin Gruska , Juliana Maria de Andrade Mendes Pinto , Janayna Araujo Meneses, Lucas Esteves Barbosa , Luciana Guerze Teixeira , Marcus Dimas do Nascimento Santos