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Risk Pregnancy; Prenatal; Woman; Pregnant.

How to Cite

Ditzel , A. N., Júnior , E. P. de S., Breitkreitz , V. S., Andrade , C. O., Valente , M. C., Lima , G. F., Andrade , B. C., Dias , Z. D., Brasil, B. S. C., Castro , N. S., Neto , A. C. de A., Santos, L. ferreira dos, Filho, A. C. D. S., & Sanches , J. D. G. (2024). RISK PREGNANCY MANAGEMENT AND PRENATAL CARE. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(2), 2393–2408. https://doi.org/10.36557/2674-8169.2024v6n2p2393-2408


Management of high-risk pregnancies involves more frequent medical monitoring, additional tests and, sometimes, rest. Prenatal care is crucial to monitor the health of the mother and baby, allowing for early interventions if necessary. It is recommended to follow medical advice and maintain a healthy lifestyle during this period. Prenatal care is the medical care a woman receives during pregnancy to ensure a healthy pregnancy. This includes regular appointments, exams, guidance on nutrition, physical activity and preparation for childbirth. It is essential for monitoring the development of the fetus and treating any maternal health problems that may arise. The objective of this article was to understand the importance of prenatal care and also highlight the complications of a high-risk pregnancy. The Pubmed, Scielo, Medline, Scopus and Web of Science databases were used, with articles published in English or Portuguese. In conclusion, prenatal care is an essential part of maternal care during pregnancy, ensuring adequate monitoring of the health of the mother and fetus. By following medical advice, carrying out regular check-ups and adopting a healthy lifestyle, we contribute to general well-being, promoting a safe birth and the long-term health of both mother and baby.

PDF (Português (Brasil))


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Adriana Nunes Ditzel , Eliel Pessôa de Souza Júnior , Victória Schneider Breitkreitz , Carolina Okuyama Andrade , Maria Clara Valente , Gabriel Ferreira Lima , Beatriz Carrijo Andrade , Zaine Dupim Dias , Bruno Sergio Costa Brasil, Nathalia Salvagni Castro , Antônio Carlos de Araújo Neto , Luciana ferreira dos Santos, Artur Clímaco Da Silva Filho, Juliana Dias Gondim Sanches