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Plastic Surgery, Anesthesia, Post-Operative.

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Basuino , L., Carvalho , L. C. de, Castro , H. de, Carvalho , P. M. P., Maranhão , L. M. B., Lemos , F. N., Pinto , M. Q., Martins , M. A. M., Amorim , M. L. C., Costa, M. A. P. da, Assumpção , Érika M., Filho , C. A. da C. S., Fernandes , K. R., & Queiróz , J. L. (2024). ANESTHETIC CHALLENGES IN PLASTIC SURGERY: FROM PLANNING TO POSTOPERATIVE RECOVERY. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(2), 2194–2212.


Plastic surgery is a medical specialty that aims to improve the appearance and function of certain parts of the body, contributing to improving patients' quality of life and self-esteem. However, surgical procedures in this area present specific anesthetic challenges that require a careful and individualized approach, from planning to postoperative recovery. In this context, it is essential to understand and face these challenges effectively, ensuring patient safety and comfort throughout the entire surgical process. Objective: To analyze the anesthetic challenges faced in plastic surgeries, from planning to postoperative recovery. Methodology: The Pubmed, Scielo and Medline databases were used, with articles published between the years 2020 and 2024, available in English or Portuguese. Final Considerations: The use of updated protocols, continuous monitoring and adaptation to the specific needs of each clinical case are pillars for the success of plastic surgical procedures. By overcoming anesthetic challenges with a comprehensive, interdisciplinary approach, it is possible to provide patients with satisfactory results, minimizing risks and maximizing the quality of medical care.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Letícia Basuino , Leonardo Cavalcante de Carvalho , Heron de Castro , Priscila Medeiros Pizarro Carvalho , Luiza Maria Barbosa Maranhão , Felipe Naves Lemos , Maria Queiroga Pinto , Marco Antonio Miranda Martins , Maria Laura Correria Amorim , Marco Antônio Penachini da Costa, Érika Marquezan Assumpção , Carlos Augusto da Conceição Sena Filho , Karina Rabelo Fernandes , Júlia Leitão Queiróz