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Cardiology; Cardiovascular diseases; Artificial intelligence; Personalized Medicine.

How to Cite

Lima , M. A. N., Ferreira, A. F., Lima, M. E. C. A. G. de, Retto, Y. C. S., Nogueira, A. C. A., Bernardino , S. B., Aurélio, S. M., Sá, C. A., Motta, M. C., Noroes, S. de V., Coimbra, T. M. F., & Bezerra, I. C. M. (2024). THE PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF CHRONIC HEADACHE: STUDY ON CEREBROSPINAL FLUD. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(2), 2213–2229.


Artificial Intelligence (AI) plays a crucial role in predicting cardiac events, offering advanced analytical tools to evaluate medical data. By processing large sets of information, AI identifies subtle patterns, enabling early detection of potential heart risks. This innovative approach not only improves diagnostic accuracy but also contributes to more effective preventive interventions by promoting proactive management of cardiovascular health. Objectives: Explore the crucial role played by artificial intelligence in predicting cardiac events. Methodology: Data collection was conducted through the following databases: Nursing Database (BDENF), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCIELO), PubMed, Latin American Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences (LILACS). Various types of publications were consulted, including scientific articles, monographs and magazines, with the aim of obtaining relevant information on the topic. Results and Discussions: The effectiveness of Artificial Intelligence in predicting cardiac events, demonstrating remarkable accuracy rates and an ability to identify complex patterns in medical data. This approach offers a promising prospect for improving the prevention and management of cardiac conditions. In the discussion, it is relevant to consider potential challenges, such as clinical interpretation of results and the continued need for large-scale validation. The integration of AI into clinical practice suggests significant advances, but ethical and regulatory issues also deserve attention to ensure the responsible implementation of this technology. Conclusion: In summary, the use of Artificial Intelligence in predicting cardiac events demonstrates promising effectiveness, providing valuable insights for medical practice. While the results are encouraging, it is imperative to continue refining and validating these approaches while carefully considering ethical and regulatory aspects. The potential positive impact of AI on cardiovascular health is evident, pointing to significant developments in the prevention and treatment of heart conditions.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Maria Alessamia Nunes Lima , Arlete Freitas Ferreira, Maria Eduarda Castro Aguiar Gomes de Lima, Yasmin Caroline Sales Retto, Anny Catarina Alfaia Nogueira, Suzana Brito Bernardino , Salete Martens Aurélio, Clarissa Azevedo Sá, Matheus Cuvello Motta, Sabrina de Vasconcelos Noroes, Thaís Moura Fernandes Coimbra, Izabel Cecília Maia Bezerra