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Medicinal Plants, Phytotherapy, Neglected Diseases, Drug Development.

How to Cite

Dutra, A. S. de S., Dutra, R. F. F., Cruz, B. I. L. da, Oliveira , K. de, Souza , L. A. de, Marques , F. D. M., Parente , E. P., Morais , D. F. de, Figueiredo, C. M. de, Rodrigues , P. D., Rampazzo , J. A., & Calixto, T. B. M. (2024). CHALLENGES AND INNOVATIONS IN THE THERAPEUTICS OF NEGLECTED DISEASES: THE ROLE OF HERBAL MEDICINES IN THE PURSUIT OF EFFICIENT SOLUTIONS. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(2), 1967–1994.


Neglected Diseases (ND) are endemic illnesses caused by infectious and parasitic agents that impact physical, cognitive, and socioeconomic aspects, especially in low-income communities in developing countries. In Brazil, the Ministry of Health prioritizes neglected diseases such as Dengue, Chagas disease, and Tuberculosis, demanding an approach that considers social, economic, and cultural factors. The World Health Organization estimates that over a billion people worldwide are affected, but the lack of economic interest hinders treatment development, impacting research funding and affecting child growth and productivity. Combating these diseases requires innovation, research, and development, with a highlighted emphasis on biodiversity-derived products. The ancestral practice of using medicinal plants in Brazil stands out, but there is a gap in research regarding their effectiveness and safety. Methodology: The research reviewed literature on "Challenges and Innovations in Neglected Disease Therapeutics: The Role of Phytotherapeutics in Seeking Efficient Solutions," encompassing articles from 2019 to 2023 in databases such as BVS Brazil, Scielo, Pubmed, and LILACS. Inclusion criteria considered original articles in English, Spanish, or Portuguese, open access, related to herbal medicine in treating neglected diseases, and published in the last 5 years. Results: Studies reveal that natural agents from various plants have therapeutic potential against neglected parasitic diseases, such as Chagas Disease, Leishmaniasis, Schistosomiasis, Dengue, Tuberculosis, Malaria, Cryptococcosis, Paracoccidioidomycosis, and Trichomoniasis. Highlights include the antiparasitic potential of Plinia cauliflora extract in Chagas Disease and the effectiveness of Mentha hirsuta essential oil against Schistosomiasis. Moreover, Norantea brasiliensis extracts showed antiviral effects in Dengue. These results indicate the broad therapeutic potential of natural agents for treating various parasitic diseases. Conclusion: In the last two decades, knowledge about derivatives of medicinal plants for neglected diseases has grown, with significant Brazilian contributions. Despite the increase in scientific production, a gap persists between the global burden of these diseases and new medications. Crucial strategies include open access policies, global funding for R&D, and partnerships. In Brazil, it is urgent to reverse the decline in investments and create a favorable environment for R&D of biodiversity-derived compounds to drive therapeutic advancements.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Aline Soares de Santana Dutra, Rafael Filipe Ferreira Dutra, Bianca Ingrid Lopes da Cruz, Kleberson de Oliveira , Larissa Araújo de Souza , Fernanda Dias Medeiros Marques , Ednei Pereira Parente , Danilo Farias de Morais , Cleuton Maximino de Figueiredo, Pedro Drummond Rodrigues , Juliana Alves Rampazzo , Tarciso Breno Melo Calixto