With aging, androgen levels gradually decline. In adult men, the decline in testosterone levels associated with signs and symptoms is presented as androgen deficiency of male aging (ADEM), some of these signs and symptoms are: decreased libido, depression, erectile dysfunction, anemia, decreased bone density and muscle mass. Testosterone is a hormone belonging to the androgen class. Its function is related to the maintenance of the sexual organs, but it also has an effect on non-reproductive organs such as the liver, inducing the synthesis of hepatic lipases and coagulation factors. Testosterone is also associated with increased activity of the fibrinolytic system and antithrombin III, constituents of the physiological hemostatic mechanism against blood loss and fluidity. Given the importance of testosterone, its replacement has been widely prescribed for men without a diagnosis of hypogonadism, given that adults after the age of 60 have testosterone levels below the lower limits for adults. In view of the above, the aim of this study is to carry out a literature review on the benefits of testosterone replacement treatment on hemostasis in men with androgen deficiency in male aging. This is a descriptive literature review with a qualitative approach. The study population will consist of articles in Portuguese, English and Spanish, obtained from the Scielo, Google Scholar and PubMed databases. A total of 53 articles were selected for sampling, 33 of which met the inclusion criteria. In this context, testosterone replacement therapy has a protective endothelial action, increasing the activity of the fibrinolytic system and antithrombin activity, which are responsible for dissolving and neutralizing clots.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Rita de Kássia Costa dos Santos, Ana Beatriz Monteiro de Medeiros, Laíza Andrade Soares Diniz, Victor Veras de Alencar Carvalho, Fábio Farias Balduino, Maria Augusta Silva Cirqueira, Benedito Leandro Francês de Castro, Jardel Pereira Ribeiro, Ricardo Marques de Almeida, Mateus De Lima Santos, Aucelia Cristina Soares de Belchior, Maria Margareth Câmara de Almeida