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Síndrome de Asherman, Sinéquias uterinas, Atualizações, Complicações.

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Gomes de Almeida, T. E., Simões da Silva, R. E., Gobira Reis Silva, S., Carmo das Virgens, G., Machado Ferreira, J. P., Santos Ribeiro, L. V., Eduardo Pereira Silva, L., da Silva Curvelo, M. V., Moreira Sousa, I., Teixeira e Cerqueira, T. R., & Ramalho Silva Epitácio, J. (2024). SÍNDROME DE ASHERMAN: ATUALIZAÇÕES, AVANÇOS E DESAFIOS. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(2), 1671–1681. https://doi.org/10.36557/2674-8169.2024v6n2p1671-1681


Introduction: Asherman's Syndrome is a uterine condition that causes adhesions or scars in the endometrium, leading to menstrual changes and infertility. The main etiology is endometrial injury during uterine surgical procedures. The syndrome has an estimated prevalence of 1% in women of reproductive age. Symptoms vary according to the severity of the adhesions and may include amenorrhea, oligomenorrhea, or hypomenorrhea, as well as infertility and pelvic pain. Objective: Thus, the present study aims to analyze the updates, advances, and challenges related to this female pathological condition. Method: In this study, an exploratory literature review was conducted to examine innovations and challenges in Asherman's Syndrome. Articles published between 2014 and 2024 in selected databases, with specific exclusion criteria, were searched. After filtering, 78 documents were fully analyzed, resulting in 24 articles relevant to the research. Results and Discussion: Prevention of the syndrome includes delicate surgical techniques and post-surgery hysteroscopy. In addition, pregnancy rates vary from 40% to 80%, but synaechiae increase the risk of obstetric complications. It is also mentioned that hormonal therapy and regenerative therapies show promise. Furthermore, challenges include recurrence of synaechiae, intra- and post-operative complications, and the management of severe cases, which require a multidisciplinary team. Conclusion: Finally, it is known that technological advances, such as hysteroscopy, have improved diagnosis and treatment, but challenges, such as recurrence and complications, persist. In addition, the literature on the subject is scarce, highlighting the need for more research, as collaboration between specialties and the search for early diagnoses are essential. In summary, Asherman's Syndrome is a complex condition that requires a multidisciplinary approach and additional studies to improve the quality of life of women.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Taynara Emanuella Gomes de Almeida, Raíssa Emanuely Simões da Silva, Stephanie Gobira Reis Silva, Gabriela Carmo das Virgens, João Pedro Machado Ferreira, Lívia Vitória Santos Ribeiro, Larissa Eduardo Pereira Silva, Millena Vitória da Silva Curvelo, Isabela Moreira Sousa, Tereza Raquel Teixeira e Cerqueira, Julliane Ramalho Silva Epitácio