General Aspects for the Success of Immediate Implants: A Literature Review
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Immediate implants; dental arch; teeth; periodontium.

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Guimarães, J. L. de S. C., Cruz, P. da S., Salomão, T. V. S. S., Costa, D. K. S., Matos, W. L. A. T., Willemann, D. A., Carneiro, B. da S., Silva, N. M. P., Colins, D. de C., Vasconcelos, G. G. de, Barbosa, D. G. da S., & Seixas, D. R. (2024). General Aspects for the Success of Immediate Implants: A Literature Review. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(2), 1512–1522.


The objective of this study is to describe implants for loading immediately after extraction, using as a reference the literature of articles and scientific publications that aim to discuss the main aspects of the topic in question, indications and contraindications, practical applications, advantages and disadvantages, the main the advantages of this type of procedure are less bone resorption, shorter healing time and restoration of aesthetics and functionality during the first surgery. The main disadvantages include errors in implant positioning, difficulty in primary closure due to the lack of soft tissue and the need for large keratinous mucosa in the aesthetic area. Extractions result in unwanted bone loss and affect chewing, function and aesthetics. The periodontium also suffers some damage, the most notable being the loss of important interdental papillae in the anterior teeth, where aesthetic demands are greater. In these cases, immediate implantation with immediate implant application is increasingly used and can be an effective solution, but this is not always possible, and each case must be carefully evaluated.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Joana Lara de Sá Cruz Guimarães, Poliana da Silva Cruz, Thalia Vitoria Sousa Seba Salomão, Daffyne Kelly Silva Costa, Welaynne Lohana Assad Teixeira Matos, Douglas Antunes Willemann, Bianca da Silva Carneiro, Nádia Maria Pires Silva, Débora de Carvalho Colins, Gabriela Gomes de Vasconcelos, Daniel Geraldo da Silva Barbosa, Déborah Rocha Seixas