Psychiatric Emergencies: Screening and Intervention Strategies - A Systematic Review
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Psychiatric Emergencies, Screening, Assessment, Intervention, Ethics.

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Vasconcelos, J. L. M., Coelho , C. de A., Henrique , C. F. A., Filho, C. S., Verta , C. M. da S. D., Rocha, D. S., Abdallah , E. B., Carvalho , G. C. F. P. de, Pimentel , H. da S. e S., Pereira , I. V. S., Carvalho , J. H., Cacciolari , L. B., Cerqueira , L. de M., Rego , L. H. R. M., Nascimento , M. C. C., Monteiro , M. M. S., Barros, M. C. P. de, Lima, P. H. C., Cavalcante , R. L. de C., Polycarpo , R. B., & Júnior , R. R. de A. (2024). Psychiatric Emergencies: Screening and Intervention Strategies - A Systematic Review. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(3), 1204–1212.


Psychiatric emergencies represent a complex intersection between mental health and emergency medicine, requiring specific approaches for screening, assessment, and immediate intervention. This systematic review examined current literature on strategies for managing psychiatric emergencies, including anxiety crises, suicidal ideation, and psychotic episodes. Reviewed studies highlighted the importance of early screening, comprehensive assessment, and multidisciplinary interventions to improve clinical outcomes. Ethical considerations and limitations were acknowledged, emphasizing the need for sensitive and evidence-based approaches to psychiatric emergency management.
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Downey, L. V., Zun, L. S., Gonzales, S. J., & Donovan, C. (2018). Managing psychiatric emergencies in the emergency department. Western Journal of Emergency Medicine, 19(5), 863-869.

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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 José Lucas Moura Vasconcelos, Caio de Araújo Coelho , Caroline Fernanda Alexandre Henrique , Célio Silva Filho, Cleice Maira da Silva Dalberto Verta , Daniela Santos Rocha, Emanoella Bruneri Abdallah , Geraldo Cardoso Feitosa Pessoa de Carvalho , Helem da Silva e Silva Pimentel , Izolda Virginia Santos Pereira , Jales Hornick Carvalho , Leonardo Belphman Cacciolari , Letícia de Melo Cerqueira , Luis Henrique Rios Moreira Rego , Maria Clara Carvalho Nascimento , Mayara Maria Sales Monteiro , Mirian Caroline Paes de Barros, Pedro Henrique Carvalho Lima, Rafael Leituga de Carvalho Cavalcante , Rafaela Bollini Polycarpo , Robério Ribeiro de Azevêdo Júnior


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