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Mykael da Silva Santos, J., Luisa Teixeira Leite, A., Paulo da Silva, J., Simone Idelfonso Sabino, J., Victor Soares dos Santos, J., Assis Lourenço, L., Lima Rodrigues, G., Barbosa Alves, A., Noberto Soares, E., & Kleber de Lucena Carvalho, F. (2024). ALTERNATIVE TREATMENTS OF HABRONEMOSIS LESIONS - BRIEF STUDY. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(2), 1464–1476.


Cutaneous habronemosis is a pathology that affects several species of animals, including horses. It is caused by the nematodes of the genus Habronema spp. and Draschia megastoma, where the adult worms of these species release eggs in the feces of horses, since these turn into larvae and are ingested by the flies of the species Stomoxys calcitranse and Musca Doméstica. These contaminated flies deposit their larvae in open wounds or humid regions, presenting a predilection for the eyes and lips. The presumptive diagnosis is given by the history of lesions that are difficult to heal, which is confirmed by histopathological examination or even scraping of the lesion. Despite the higher frequency of conventional treatments, healing has a long period and there is a possibility of parasitic resistance and relapses. Therefore, some professionals opt for new therapies and new drugs, in order to have a better result and not develop resistance to certain drugs. In view of this, this article aims to present a brief study bringing several therapeutic ways to treat cutaneous habronemosis.
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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 José Mykael da Silva Santos, Amanda Luisa Teixeira Leite, João Paulo da Silva, Janne Simone Idelfonso Sabino, João Victor Soares dos Santos, Lucas Assis Lourenço, Gustavo Lima Rodrigues, Alex Barbosa Alves, Edilson Noberto Soares, Fabrício Kleber de Lucena Carvalho