Emerging perspectives in the diagnosis and management of dengue: A systematic review
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Dengue, Diagnosis, Management, Emerging Perspectives, Systematic Review.

How to Cite

Vasconcelos, J. L. M., Bastos, A. B. da C., Neto , B. M., Morais, B. K. de A., Bastos, C. C., Zucchi , C. C., Pimentel , H. da S. e S., Barros , I. F., Melo, L. O. B. de, Dantas , L. A., Carvalho, L. L. A. M. de, Santos , L. D. C., Araújo, L. R. de, Moura , M. T. C. de, Carralas , M. H. M., Moriya , M. de A., Benigno, N. L. F., Silva, P. J. M. da, Lewin , P. C., Dias , R. A., Oliveira, T. D. A. L., & Melo , V. A. A. (2024). Emerging perspectives in the diagnosis and management of dengue: A systematic review. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(2), 1808–1814. https://doi.org/10.36557/2674-8169.2024v6n2p1808-1814


This systematic review offers insights into the evolving perspectives regarding the diagnosis and management of dengue fever. The introduction provides an overview of the disease, highlighting its global impact and the necessity for effective diagnostic and therapeutic approaches. The methodology section outlines the systematic approach employed in conducting the review, including search strategies and criteria for inclusion of studies. Results encompass recent advancements in diagnostic techniques and therapeutic strategies, emphasizing the importance of early detection and multidisciplinary approaches. Finally, the discussion synthesizes current evidence, explores potential future directions in dengue research and clinical practice, and underscores the significance of implementing evidence-based strategies for combating the disease.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 José Lucas Moura Vasconcelos, Ana Beatriz da Conceição Bastos, Braz Martins Neto , Brenda Karise de Araújo Morais, Camila Conceição Bastos, Carolina Caldeira Zucchi , Helem da Silva e Silva Pimentel , Izadora Fernanda Barros , Laisse Oliveira Barbosa de Melo, Letícia Almeida Dantas , Lorenna Luiza Almeida Miranda de Carvalho, Luiz Daniel Cardoso Santos , Luciana Rodrigues de Araújo, Maria Tereza Carvalho de Moura , Marília Helena Melo Carralas , Marjorie de Almeida Moriya , Nara Lis Freire Benigno, Paula Jordana Maia da Silva, Priscila Coti Lewin , Renata Alves Dias , Tatiana D’Fátima Almeida Lima Oliveira, Vanessa Avelar Alcântara Melo