Postoperative Complications in Neurosurgery: Prevention and Management Strategies
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Complicações Pós-operatórias

How to Cite

Barreto, C. K., Mendes , G. soares, Moreira, E. F. da C., Iranzo , T. B. S., & Santana, S. C. de A. (2024). Postoperative Complications in Neurosurgery: Prevention and Management Strategies. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(2), 1401–1414.


This scientific review article addresses the topic of postoperative complications in neurosurgery, focusing on prevention and management strategies. The introduction provides context on the importance of these complications, highlighting the challenges they pose for patients and healthcare professionals. The methodology describes the search strategy used to identify relevant studies, including the databases searched, search terms, and inclusion/exclusion criteria. In the synthesis of results, the main findings from the reviewed studies are grouped by type of intervention and discussed in detail, highlighting the effectiveness of different approaches and strategies. The discussion addresses the implications of the results, including limitations of the reviewed studies and recommendations for future research. Finally, the conclusion summarizes the main findings and highlights the best practices identified, emphasizing the ongoing importance of research in this area. Keywords: postoperative complications; neurosurgery; prevention; management; scientific review.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Carla Knopp Barreto, Guilherme soares Mendes , Evelin Felipetto da Cunha Moreira, Thaiane Beatriz Sgrignoli Iranzo , Shirlei Cardoso de Almeida Santana