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Hospital Unit of Dentistry. Oral Health. Nursing care.

How to Cite

Sousa, Ângelo G., Ferreira, A. F. A., Firmino, B. da S., Antero Junior, J. I., Almeida, P. R. C., Silva, G. A. da, & Costa, M. S. (2024). LEVEL OF ORAL HEALTH KNOWLEDGE OF THE CARE TEAM INTENSIVE CARE UNIT NURSING . Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(2), 1136–1148. https://doi.org/10.36557/2674-8169.2024v6n2p1136-1148


Guiding and carrying out oral hygiene is the responsibility of the Nursing team. However, this assignment is neglected in the work routine of this professional, whether due to lack of knowledge, an overload of obligations, or the lack of a standard oral hygiene protocol implemented in institutions. The present work aims to review the literature on the level of knowledge of the Nursing team, which performs or supervises oral hygiene care in unstable and immunocompromised patients in the ICU. This is a narrative review of literature of an applied nature, with a qualitative, exploratory and bibliographic approach, in which works in Portuguese and English from the last 10 years (2013-2023) were selected. Searches for scientific articles, course completion work, dissertations and books were carried out online in the Pubmed and Virtual Health Library (VHL) databases. It was concluded that a search in the literature showed unsatisfactory or neglected oral hygiene practice by the nursing team who claimed to have low knowledge about oral health. These professionals know the importance of preventing systemic infections of oral origin, however, in their daily routine they devalue the maintenance of oral health, prioritizing other tasks.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Ângelo Gaia Sousa, Antônio Fabrício Alves Ferreira, Bruna da Silva Firmino, José Ivo Antero Junior, Patrícia Raimunda Castelo Almeida, Giovanna Araújo da Silva, Marinilce Santos Costa