Incidência hospitalar de trauma durante o nascimento: Avaliação, intervenções e perspectivas para a saúde neonatal
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Birth trauma
Hospital admissions

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Rabello, E. F. Q., Ost, A. F. N., Santos, M. B. L. dos, Solobodziam, C., Ceron, N. S. M., Carmo, G. S. do, Oliveira, G. B. de, Real, K. C., Monteiro, K. G. R. A. S., Sartorio, M. M. M., Araújo, A. C. O., Oliveira, R. P., Pereira-Silva, J. W., Borges, A. P., & Santos, J. B. S. dos. (2024). Incidência hospitalar de trauma durante o nascimento: Avaliação, intervenções e perspectivas para a saúde neonatal. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(2), 1326–1335.


Birth is one of the most significant events in the life of a human being, marking the beginning of their journey in this world. However, for some, this pivotal moment can be accompanied by traumatic experiences that leave emotional and physical scars. Trauma during birth is a reality that affects both new-borns and their families and can have long-term repercussions on child development and mental health. The objective of this article was to analyse the prevalence and epidemiological profile of hospitalizations caused by trauma during birth in Brazil from 2019 to 2023. This is a quantitative and retrospective study, which analysed hospitalizations caused by trauma during birth in Brazilian territory, based on public data available in the Hospital Information System (SIH) of the Unified Health System (SUS). During the period analysed, there were 2,688 hospitalizations, representing a 21% reduction in hospitalizations. The Southeast of the country had the highest number of hospitalizations, corresponding to 40.5%, predominantly among brown children, with 43%. Furthermore, in all the years analysed, there were more hospitalizations for female children and 32% less spending on hospital admissions. The reduction in hospitalizations for birth trauma is a positive indicator of progress in perinatal medicine and the continued commitment to the safety and well-being of mothers and babies. Investments in evidence-based obstetric practices, quality prenatal care, advanced medical technology, and education and training of healthcare professionals are critical to continuing this positive trend and ensuring that all pregnancies and births occur safely and successfully.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Ewellin Fabiane Queiroz Rabello, André Felipe Nunes Ost, Maria Beatriz Lyra dos Santos, Claudia Solobodziam, Nathalia Sofia Mayer Ceron, Gabriele Soprano do Carmo, Gedeão Batista de Oliveira, Kellen Cristina Real, Kevin Gabriell Raymison Almeida Souto Monteiro, Mallu Mignoni Mazolli Sartorio, Ana Cristina Oliveira Araújo, Renata Pimenta Oliveira; Jordam William Pereira-Silva; Amanda Pereira Borges, Jefferson Bill Santos dos Santos