Alzheimer precoce e o impacto social
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Diagnóstico Precoce

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Franklin , M. E. A., Soares , I. V. A., Almeida , G. S. G. P., Duarte , A. J. G., Miranda , M. C. L. B., Siqueira , B. de A. G., Cabral , L. I. A., Sampaio , M. G., Júnior , L. R. de A., Martuscelli , A. R., Milhomem , J. V. B., Sobrinho , A. A. P., & Azevedo , L. F. (2024). Alzheimer precoce e o impacto social . Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(2), 1436–1446.


A literature review is presented on early Alzheimer's disease (AD) and its social impact on the lives of people with the disease, as well as on their caregivers from 2012 to 2021. An advanced search was carried out in the databases of the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Medline, Lilacs and IBECS. The following keywords were used to search for articles: early alzheimer's, social impact and AND connective. Of the 15 articles analyzed, after applying the relevance tests, 10 articles were selected, presented as studies of prevalence and risk factors. The comprehensive and comparative analysis of the investigations demonstrated the risk factors for Alzheimer's disease, its prevalence and some physical impacts noticed in those who have the disease, such as risk of falls, sleep disturbances, increase in the number of hospitalizations, as well as psychosocial impacts both patients and their caregivers. Therefore, it was found that early Alzheimer's disease generates physical, psychological and, above all, social impacts.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Maria Eduarda Alencar Franklin , Isadora Veras Araújo Soares , Giovanna Sean Gregório Pereira Almeida , Ana Júlia Gomes Duarte , Maria Clara Leite Barros Miranda , Bruna de Arroxelas Galvão Siqueira , Lucas Inácio Araújo Cabral , Matheus Guimarães Sampaio , Lorival Ribeiro de Amorim Júnior , Amanda Rezende Martuscelli , João Victor Braga Milhomem , Andressa Aparecida Pereira Sobrinho , Loianny Faria Azevedo