Surgery and Chronic Diseases: Integrated Management Strategies
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Surgery, Chronic Diseases, Integrated Management.

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Casarim, F. C. P., Carvalho, A. C. S. de S., Batista, M. M., Maranhão, L. M. B., Silva, S. dos S., Mendes, M. V. S., Teixeira, C. B., Zago, G. de S., Mascarenha, G. R., Sousa, G. B. de, Arruda, R. T. P. D., & Marques , N. da S. E. C. (2024). Surgery and Chronic Diseases: Integrated Management Strategies. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(2), 937–952.


Introduction: The combination of surgery and chronic illnesses presents unique challenges for patients and healthcare providers, as patients with chronic illnesses often have poorer overall health and are more susceptible to complications during and after surgery. Therefore, a multidisciplinary and integrated approach to the perioperative management of these patients is essential. Objective: Investigate the effects of an integrated surgery management approach in patients with chronic diseases, with a focus on reducing perioperative complications, improving quality of life and optimizing long-term clinical outcomes. Methodology: The Scielo, Medline and Cochrane databases were used, searching for articles published between 2019 and 2024, in Portuguese or English. Final Considerations: Integrated management of surgeries in patients with chronic diseases is essential to ensure successful results. This involves close collaboration between different medical specialties, as well as effective coordination between the healthcare professionals involved. Thus, by managing both the chronic condition and the need for surgery in an integrated manner, it is possible to improve the patient's long-term quality of life, minimizing the negative impact of the disease and maximizing the results of surgery.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Fernanda Caroline Pulido Casarim, Ana Carolina Sá de Souza Carvalho, Mailson Meireles Batista, Luiza Maria Barbosa Maranhão, Samuel dos Santos Silva, Marcus Vinícius Santos Mendes, Camila Borges Teixeira, Giovanna de Sousa Zago, Guilherme Rodrigues Mascarenha, Gustavo Barbosa de Sousa, Rodrigo Theodoro Pires De Arruda, Natacha da Silva Estevão Cáceres Marques